Nuova Cronologia

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La Storia: Finzione o Scienza?

Cronologia 4

di Anatoli Fomenko

The complete bibliography to the seven volumes Separate books on the New Chronology Prior to the publication of the seven-volume Chronology, we published a number of books on the same topic. If we are to disregard the paperbacks and the concise versions, as well as new re-editions, there are seven such books. Shortened versions of their names appear below:

1) Introduction

2) Methods 1-2

3) Methods 3

4) The New Chronology of Russia, Britain and Rome

5) The Empire

6) The Biblical Russia

7) Reconstruction

Book one. Introduction.

[InTRO]:1. Fomenko, A. T. New Experimental Statistical Methods of Dating Ancient Events and their Application to the Global Classical and Mediaeval Chronology. Preprint. Moscow, The State Television and Radio Broadcast Committee, 1981. Order # 3672. Lit. 9/XI-81. No. BO7201, 100 p.

[INTRO]:2. Fomenko, A. T. Some New Empirico-Statistical Methods of Dating and the Analysis of Present Global Chronology. London, The British Library, Department of Printed Books, 1981. Cup. 918/87. 100 p.

[InTRO]:3. Fomenko, A. T. A Criticism of the Traditional Chronology of the Classical Age and the Middle Ages (What Century Is It Now?). Essay. Moscow, Publishing House of the Moscow State University Department of Mechanical Mathematics, 1993. 204 p.

[INTRO]:4. 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. A Criticism of the Traditional Chronology of the Classical Age and the Middle Ages (What Century Is It Now?). Moscow, Kraft-Lean, 1999. 757 p. Kraft Publications released a concise version of this book in 2001. 487 p.

[InTRO]:5. Another revision. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. What Century Is It Now? Moscow, AIF-Print Publications, 2002. 511 p.

Book Two, part one: Methods-1.

[MetH1]:1. Fomenko, A. T. The Methods of Statistical Analysis of Narrative Texts and their Chronological Applications.
(The identification and dating of dependent texts, statistical chronology of the antiquity, as well as the statistics of ancient astronomical accounts.) Moscow, The MSU Publishing House, 1990. 439 p.

[MetTH1]:2. 2nd revised edition came out in 1996 as The Methods Of Mathematical Analysis of Historical Texts.
Chronological applications. Moscow, Nauka Publications, 1996. 475 p.

[MerH1]:3. Several chapters of the book came out in 1996, revised and extended, as a separate book: Fomenko, A. T.
The New Chronology of Greece. Antiquity in the Middle Ages, Vols. 1 and 2. Moscow, MSU Centre of Research and Pre-University Education, 1996. 914 p.

[MetTH1):4. The English translation of the book, extended and revised to a large extent, was released under the following title: Fomenko, A. T. Empirico-Statistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Applications to Historical Dating. Vol. 1, The Development of the Statistical Tools.
Vol. 2, The Analysis of Ancient and Mediaeval Records.
The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
Vol. 1: 211 p. Vol. 2: 462 p.

[MetH1]:5. A Serbian translation titled Domenxo A.T. Cmamucmuuxa xpononoeuja. Mamemamuuxu noened Ha ucmopujy. Y kom como 6exy? was published in 1997. Belgrade, Margo-Art, 1997. 450 p.

[MetH1]:6. The book was published in a revised and substantially extended version in 1999 as Volume 1 in a series of two: Fomenko, A. T. The Methods of StatisticalAnalysis of Historical Texts. Chronological Applications.
Vol. 1. Moscow, Kraft and Lean, 1999. 801 p.

[MetTH1]:7. A revised version of the book was published as two volumes (the first two in a series of three) in 1999 in the USA (in Russian) by the Edwin Mellen Press. Fomenko, A. T. New Methods of Statistical Analysis of Historical Texts. Applications to Chronology, Vols. 1 and 2. The publication is part of the series titled Scholarly Monographs in the Russian Language, Vols. 6-7. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. Vol. 1: 588 p.
Vol. 2: 564 p.

Book Two, part two: Methods-2.

[METH2]:1. Fomenko, A. T. Global Chronology. (A Research of the Classical and Mediaeval History. Mathematical Methods of Source Analysis. Global Chronology.) Moscow, MSU Publications, 1993. 408 p.

[MeTH2]:2. A revised and substantially extended version of the book as the second volume in a series of two: Fomenko, A. T. The Methods of Statistical Analysis of Historical Texts. Chronological Applications, Vol. 2. Moscow, Kraft and Lean, 1999. 907 p.

[METH2]:3. A revised version of the book was published as the last volume in a series of three in the USA (in Russian) under the title: Fomenko A. T. Antiquity in the Middle Ages (Greek and Bible History), the trilogy bearing the general name: Fomenko A. T. New Methods of the Statistical Analysis of Historical Texts and their Chronological Application.
The publication is part of the series titled Scholarly Monographs in the Russian Language. Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. 578 p.

Book THREE: Methods-3.

[MrtTH3]:1. Fomenko, A. T., V. V. Kalashnikov, and G. V. Nosovskiy. Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating Ptolemy’s Almagest. USA: CRC Press, 1993. 300 p.

[METH3]:2. The Russian version of the book was published in 1995 in Moscow by the Faktorial Publications under the title: Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovskiy G. V., Fomenko A.
T. The Dating of the Almagest Star Catalogue. Statistical and Geometrical Analysis. 286 p.

[MeTH3]:3. A substantially extended and revised version of the book: Kalashnikov, V. V., G. V. Nosovskiy, and A. T. Fomenko. The Astronomical Analysis of Chronology. The Almagest. Zodiacs. Moscow, The Delovoi Express Financial Publications, 2000. 895 p.

[MetTH3]:4. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The New Chronology of Egypt. The Astronomical Dating of Ancient Egyptian Monuments. Research of 2000-2002. Moscow, Veche Press, 2002. 463 p.
Book Four: Russia, Britain and Rome.

[RBR]:1. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The New Chronology and Conception of the Ancient History of Russia, Britain, and Rome. Facts, Statistics, Hypotheses. Vol. 1, Russia. Vol. 2, Britain and Rome. Moscow, MSU Centre of Research and Pre-University Education. Two editions, 1995 and 1996. 672 p.

[RBR]:2. A somewhat adapted and revised version of the book came out in 1997: Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. Russia and Rome. How correct is our understanding of Eurasian history? Vols. 1 and 2. Moscow, Olymp Publications, 1997. 2nd edition 1999. The next three volumes from this series of five were published in 2001. Vol. 1: 606 p. Vol. 2: 621 p. Vol. 3: 540 p. Vol. 4: 490 p. Vol. 5: 394 p.

[RBR]:3. A revised version of the first volume was published in 1997 as a separate book: Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The New Chronology of Russia. Moscow, Faktorial Publications, 1997. Re-editions 1998 and 1999. 255 p.

[RBR]:4. A new, substantially extended and revised version of the first two-volume edition as a single volume: Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The New Chronology of Russia, Britain and Rome. Moscow, Anvik, 1999. 540 p.

[RBR]:5. A new revised version of this book came out as a single volume: Fomenko A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The New Chronology of Russia, Britain and Rome. Moscow, The Delovoi Express Financial Publications, 2001. 1015 p.

Book Five: The Empire.

[Emp]:1. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The Empire (Russia, Turkey, China, Europe, Egypt. The New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquity). Moscow, Faktorial, 1996.
Re-editions 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2002. 752 p.

Book six: The Biblical Russia.

:1. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The Mathematical Chronology of the Biblical Events. Moscow, Nauka Publications, 1997. 407 p.

:2. A substantially revised and extended version: Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The Biblical Russia. The Empire of Horde-Russia and the Bible. The New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquity. Vols. 1 and 2. Moscow, Faktorial, 1998. Vol. 1: 687 p. Vol. 2: 582 p.

:3. A somewhat condensed version, which nevertheless contained some important new material: Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. Horde-Russia on the Pages of the Biblical Books. Moscow, Anvik Publications, 1998. 430 p.

:4. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The Biblical Russia. Selected Chapters I (The Empire of Horde-Russia and the Bible. The New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquity. History of the Manuscripts and Editions of the Bible. The Events of the XI-XII Century a.p. in the New Testament. The Pentateuch.). Moscow, Faktorial, 1999.
173 p.

:5. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The Biblical Russia. Selected Chapters II (The Empire of Horde-Russia and the Bible. The New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquity. History of the XIV-XVI Century in the Last Books of the Kings. The History of the XV-XVI Century in the Last Chapters of the Books of the Kings. History of the XV-XVI Century in the Books of Esther and Judith. The Reformation Epoch of the XVI-XVII Century). Moscow, Faktorial Press, 2000. 223 p.

Book sEVEN: Reconstruction.

[Rec]:1. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. A Reconstruction of Global History (The New Chronology). Book 1.
Moscow, The Delovoi Express Financial Publishers, 1999.
735 p.

[Rec]:2. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. A Reconstruction of Global History. The Research of 1999-2000 (The New Chronology). Moscow, The Delovoi Express Financial Publishers, 1999. 615 p.

[Rec]:3. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. A Reconstruction of Global History. Joan of Arc, Samson, and the History of Russia. Moscow, The Delovoi Express Financial Publishers, 2002.
We have to point out that the publication of our books on the New Chronology has influenced a number of authors and their works where the new chronological concepts are discussed or developed. Some of these are: L. I. Bocharov, N. N.
Yefimoy, I. M. Chachukh, and I. Y. Chernyshov ([93]), Jordan Tabov ([827], [828]), A. Goutz ([220]), M. M. Postnikov ([680]), V. A. Nikerov ([579:1]), Heribert Illig ([1208]), Christian Bléss and Hans-Ulrich Niemitz ([1038], [1039]), Gunnar Heinsohn ([1185]), Gunnar Heinsohn and Heribert Illig ([1186]), Uwe Topper ([1462], [1463]).
Our research attracted sufficient attention to chronological issues for the Muscovite publishing house Kraft to print a new edition of the fundamental work of N. A. Morozov titled Christ, first published in 1924-1932.

Literature in Russian

1, Abalakin, V. K. The Essential Ephemeris Astronomy. Moscow, 1979.

2. Abbas, Shalabi. The Entire Egypt, from Cairo to Abu-Simbel and Sinai. 2nd extended Russian edition. Florence, Bonechi, 1996.

2:1. Avadyaeva, E., and L. Zdanovich. The Hundred Great Afflictions. Moscow, Veche, 1999.

3. Agathius. The Reign of Justinian. Moscow-Leningrad, USSR Academy of Sciences Publications, 1953. See also Agathius, Scholasticus. Agathiae Myrinaei Historiarum libri quinque.
Berolini, 1967.

4. Mez, Adam. The Muslim Renaissance. Moscow, Nauka, 1966. German edition: Mez, A. Die Renaissance des Islams.
Heidelberg, 1922.

5. Azarevich, D. I. The History of the Byzantine Law. Yaroslavl, 1876-1877. :

6. Aydarova-Volkova, G. The Priceless Experience. A Cultural Dialogue. Looking Across the Centuries. The Kazan magazine, Issue 9-10 (1999): 13-21.

7. Acropolite, George. The Chronicle of the Great Logothete George Acropolite. St. Petersburg, 1863.

8. The Historical Acts Compiled and Published by the Archaeographical Commission. St. Petersburg, The State Document Preparation Expedition Typography. Vols. 1 and 2.

9. Nazarov, V. D., ed. The Acts of the State of Russia. Archives of the Muscovite Monasteries and Cathedrals. The XV early XVII century. Moscow, The Ladomir Research and Publication Centre, 1998.

10. Alexandria. A Novel about Alexander the Great Based on a Russian Chronicle of the XV century. Moscow-Leningrad, Nauka, 1966.

11. Petrukhno, A. S., N. I. Shirinya, S. A. Gleybman, and O. V.
Zavgorodniaya. Alexander’s Village (Alexandrovskaya Sloboda, or, literally, “The Freemen’s Village of Alexander”).
An Album. The Russian Federation Ministry of Culture.
City of Alexandrov. The State Museum of Art, History, and Architecture of Alexander’s Village. The City Council of the City of Alexandrov. 1996.

12. Alexander’s Village (Alexandrovskaya Sloboda). The materials of a scientific and practical conference. Vladimir, Golden Gate Publications, 1995.

13. Alexandrovsky, M. I. A Historical Reference Book for the Churches of Moscow. Moscow, The State Museum of History, Department of Visual Arts, the Architectural Graphics Fund, 1917 (with an additional written before 1942).

14, Alexeyev, M. P. On the Anglo-Russian Relations in the Time of Yaroslav the Wise. The Scientific Bulletin of the Leningrad State University (4, 1945): 31.

15. Alexeyev, Y. My Monarch Sent Me to the Sultan. The Rodina magazine, No. 2 (1997): 31-36.

16. Alessandro, Angelini. Piero della Francesca. The Great Italian Masters series. Moscow, Slovo, 1997. The Italian edition: Italy, ScaLa, Instituto Fotografico Editoriale, 1995.

16.1. [Altarpieces] Caterina Limentani Virdis and Mari Pietrogiovanna. Altarpieces. The Art of the Early Renaissance.
Translated from Italian. Byely Gorod, 2002. Arsenale editrice, Italy, 2001.

17. The Alphabetic Syntagm of Matthew Vlastar. Translated from Greek by Rev. Nikolai Ilyinsky, a teacher from the Seminary School of Tauris. Simpheropol, 1892. A new edition: Moscow, Galaxy Publications, 1996.

18. Alberti, L. Leon Battista Alberti. A collection of essays.
Moscow, the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nauka, 1977.
Complete ed. Oxford, Phaidon, 1977.

19. Amalrik, A. S., and A. L. Mongayt. The Essential Archaeology. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1963.

19:0. [Amartoles, George]. Matveyenko, V., and L. Shchegoleva. The Chronicle of George the Monk. Russian text, comments, indications. Moscow, Bogorodskiy Pechatnik, 2000.

19:1. The catalogue of the exhibition 500 Years Since the Discovery of America. The Hermitage. Russian National Library. St. Petersburg, Slavia-Interbook, Inc., 1993.

20. Amousin, I. D. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Moscow, Nauka, 1960.

21. Amphitheatrov, A. Collected Works in 8 Volumes. Vol. 4.
St. Petersburg, Prosveshchenie, 1911.

22. Anastasov, L. A New Direction in Science? Be careful! The Science and Technology magazine (Moscow), No. 8 (1983): 28-30.

23. Miiller, V. K., comp. The English-Russian Dictionary.
70,000 words. Moscow, The State National and Foreign Dictionary Publishing House, 1961.

24, Andreyeva, V., V. Kuklev, and A. Rovner. An Encyclopedia of Symbols, Signs, and Emblems. Moscow, Lokid/Myth/Ad Marginem, 1999.

25. Anninskiy, S. A. The News of the Tartars in Europe Brought by the Hungarian Missionaries. Included in The Historical Archive, 71-112. Moscow-Leningrad, The RAS Institute of History, RAS Publications, 1940.

26. Antwerp and its Sights. Antwerp, Editions THILL S.A.
Brussels, 1999. In Russian.

27. Antonov, A. V. Genealogical Murals of Late XVII Century.
The Archaeographical Centre. The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. The Russian Historical Research, No. 6.
Moscow, the Archaeographical Centre Publications.

28. Antonova, V. I., and N. E. Mneva. The Catalogue of Ancient Russian Art from the Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, 1963.
Vol. 1: p. 256; Vol 2: pp. 413 and 421.

29. The Apocryphal Jesus, Holy Family, and Christ Witness Legendry. Sventsitskaya, I. S., and A. P. Skogorev, comp.
Moscow, Kogelet, 1999.

30. Apollodorus. The Mythological Library. Leningrad, Nauka, 1972. English edition: Apollodorus. The Library. LondonNew York: Loeb Classical Library, 1921.

30:1. Arago, E. The Biographies of the Famous Astronomers, Physicists, and Geometricians. Books 1 and 2 (Vols. 1-3).
Translated by D. Perevoshchikov. Moscow-Izhevsk, The Scientific Research Centre for Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2000.

31. Arenkova, Y. I., and G. I. Mekhova. The Don Monastery.
Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1970.

32. Aristaenetus. The Love Epistles. Eustathius, Macrembolites.
The Story of Ismene and Istmenias. Moscow-Leningrad, Nauka, 1965. Also see Aristaenetus. The Love Epistles. In W. Kelley. Erotica. London, Bohn’s Classical Library, G. Bell & Sons, 1848. Eustathius, Macrembolites. Ismene and Istmenias. London, 1788.

33, Zdanovich, G. B., ed. Arkaim. Research. Prospects. Findings.
A collection of essays. From the series titled The Historical Pages of Southern Ural. The Arkaim Reserve works, State University of Chelyabinsk, the Specialized Arkaim Nature and Landscape Centre of History and Archaeology. The State Reserve of Ilmen. Chelyabinsk, the Kamenny Poyas Creative Group, 1995.

34. Arnold, Y. El Sefior Kon-Tiki. Moscow, Mysl, 1970.

35. Aronov, V. The Elseviers (A History of Literary Art). Moscow, Kniga, 1975.

36. The Chronicler of Archangelsk. A complete collection of Russian chronicles, Vol. 37. Leningrad, Nauka, 1982.

37. Archangelskiy, Leonid. The Samurai Steel. An article for the magazine called Magnum. The New Magazine on Arms

(November-December 1998): 18-21.

38. Avdousina, T. D., and T. D. Panov. Archaeological Antiquities: The Muscovite Kremlin. The Moscow Kremlin State Museum and Reserve for History and Culture. Moscow, 1996.

39. Serge, Archbishop. The Complete Oriental Menology.
Vols. 1-3. Vladimir, Typography & Lithography of V. A.
Parkov in Vladimir, 1901. Reprinted Moscow, Orthodox Encyclopaedia Centre of Ecclesiastic Research, Palomnik Publications, 1997.

40. Archimedes. The Works. Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1962. English edition: Archimedes, The Works of Archimedes. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1912.

40:0. Asov, A. I. The Book of Veles. Moscow, Menedzher, 1995, 2nd edition.

40:00. Asov, A. I., Konovalov, M. Y. The Ancient Aryans. The Slavs. Russia. Moscow, Veche, 2002.

40:1. Gentili, Augusto, William Barcham, and Linda Whiteley.
The National Gallery of London. From the The Great Museums of the World series. Moscow, Slovo, 2001. A translation of the Italian edition Udine: Magnus Edizioni, 2000.

41. Nikitin, Afanasiy. Voyage over the Three Sees. Published in the Literary Monuments of Old Russia. 2nd Half of the XV Century. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1982.

42. Nikitin, Afanasiy. Afanasiy Nikitin’s Voyage over the Three Sees. 1466-1472. Foreword, translation, text preparation and commentary by N. I. Prokofiev. Moscow, Sovietskaya Rossiya, 1980.

43. Akhmanova, O. S., and others. Precise Methods of Language Study. Moscow, 1961.

44, Bayev, K. L. Copernicus. From the Celebrity Biographies series, Issue 7 (55). Moscow, The Magazine and Newspaper Consociation, 1935.

45. Beyer, Rolf. The Queen of Sheba. From the Mark In History series. Rostov-on-Don, Fenix Publications, 1998. A translation from the German original by Beyer, Rolf. Die Kénigin von Saba. The Question Mark series, Gustav Liibbe Verlag GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach. 1987.

46. Balandin, R. K. A Miracle or a Scientific Enigma? Science and Religion Discussing the Shroud of Turin. Moscow, Znaniye, 1989. The Question Mark series, Issue 1, 1989.

47. Balandin, R., and L. Bondarev. Nature and Civilization.
Moscow, Mysl, 1988.

48. Baldin, V. I., and T. P. Manushkina. The Laura of Serge and The Trinity. The Architectural Set and the Collections of Ancient Russian Art of the XIV-XVII Century. Moscow, Nauka, 1996.

49. Baranov, V. Logic Isn’t Facts. The Science & Technology magazine (Moscow), No. 4 (1983): 24-28.

50. Baronius, C. The Ecclesial and Secular Annals from the Birth of Christ and until the Year 1198. Typography of P. P. Ryabushinsky, from Baronius, Annales ecclesiastici a Christo nato ad annum 1198. Moscow, 1913.

51. Bartenev, S. The Moscow Kremlin in the Antiquity and Nowadays. Moscow, Synodal Typography, 1912.

52. de las Casas, Bartélome. History of the Indias. Leningrad, Nauka, 1968.

53. Baskakov, N. A. Russian Names of Turkic Origin. Moscow, Nauka, The Main Oriental Literature Editing Board, 1979.

54. Magarichev, Y. M., ed. and comp. The Cultural and Historical Reserve of Bakhchisaray. Simferopol, Tavria, 1995.

55. Bakhshi, Iman. Jagfar Tarikhy. A Collection of Bulgarian Manuscripts from 1680. Russian translation of the Bulgarian text by I. M. K. Nigmatoullin. Orenburg, The Orenburg Press Contact, KOPF, editorial board of the Bulgaria Courier, 1993.

56. Bashmakova, I. G., and G. S. Smirnova. The Naissance and the Development of Algebra. Published in the Aper¢us on the History of Mathematics edited by B. V. Gnedenko.
Moscow, MSU Publications, 1997.

57. Belenkiy, M. S. Judaism. Moscow, Gospolitizdat, 1966.

58. Bellosi, Luciano. Giotto. Moscow, Slovo Press, 1996.
Translated from the 1995 Italian edition by Sca a, Istituto Fotografico Editoriale.

59. Belova, A. G. The Historical Morphology of the Arabic Language. Moscow, 1994.

59:0. Belova G. A, Sherkova T. A. Russians in the Land of Pyramids. Travellers, Scientists, Collectioners. Moscow, Aleteya, 2003.

59:1. Belyavsky, V. A. Legendary and Historical Babylon.
Moscow, Mysl, 1971.

60. Belyavsky, M. T. M. V. Lomonosov and the Foundation of the Moscow University (1755-1955). Edited by M. N. Tikhomirov. Moscow, MSU Publications, 1955.

61. Belyaev, D. V. Byzantine. Essays, Materials and Notes concerning Byzantine Antiquity. Book III. St. Petersburg, 18911906.

62. Belyaev, L. A. The Ancient Monasteries of Moscow According to Archaeological Data. Moscow, The Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. Research and materials concerning the archaeology of Moscow. Vol. 6. 1995.

63. Belyaev, Y. 100 Monsters of Antiquity. An illustrated encyclopaedia of mythology. Moscow, Raritet, 1997.

64 Bémont, C., and G. Monod. The Mediaeval History of Europe. Petrograd, 1915. French edition: Bémont, C., and G.
Monod. Histoire de l'Europe au Moyen Age. Paris, 1921.

64:1. Berg, L. S. The Discovery of Kamchatka and Bering’s Expedition. Moscow-Leningrad, The USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1946.

64:2. Berg, L. S. Essays on the History of Russian Geographical Discoveries. Moscow-Leningrad, The USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1946.

65. Berry, A. Concise History of Astronomy. Translated by S.
Zaimovskiy. Moscow-Leningrad, GITTL, 1946.

66. Archimandrite Nicephor. The Biblical Encyclopedia (The Full Illustrated Biblical Encyclopedia). Moscow, The A. I.
Snegiryova Typography, 1891. A modern reprint was published by the Laura of St. Serge and the Holy Trinity in 1990.

67. The Bible. 10th edition. St. Petersburg, 1912.

68. The Bible. Books from the Old and the New Covenant in Russian Translation with Anagoges and Appendices. Moscow, Moscow Patriarchy Press, 1968. There are numerous re-editions in existence, for instance, the one published by the Russian Biblical Society in Moscow, 1995.

69. The Bible. Books of the Holy Writ from the Old and the New Covenant. Russian translation with appendices. 4th edition. Brussels, Life with God Press, 1989.

70. The Bible, or the Books of the Holy Writ from the Old and the New Covenant with Anagoges. 2nd edition. St. Petersburg, Synodal Typography, 1900. Reprinted by the Russian Biblical Society in Moscow, 1993. (This version of the Bible dates to the 1st half of the XVIII century and is therefore occasionally called Elizabethan.)

71. Scorina’s Bible. A facsimile edition of the Bible published by Francisco Scorina in 1517-1519. Volumes 1-3. Minsk, The Petrus Brovka Byelorussian Sovetskaya Encyclopaedia Press, 1990.

72. Bickerman, E. Chronology of the Ancient World. Moscow, Nauka, 1975. Translated from the English edition published in London by Thames & Hudson, 1968-1969.

73. Biroulia, Y. N. Russian Naval Charts of 1701-1750. Copies from originals (Atlas). St. Petersburg, The Military Navy Publications, 1993.

74. The Book of Good Tidings. Interpretations of the Holy Gospel by St. Theophilactus, the Archbishop of Bulgaria. The Gospel According to Mark Interpreted. St. Petersburg, P. P.
Soykin’s Publications. Reprinted St. Petersburg, Satis Press, 1993.

75. Blazhko, S. N. A Course of Practical Astronomy. Moscow, Nauka, 1979.

76. Blair, G. Chronological Tables Spanning the Entire Global History, Containing Every Year since the Genesis and until the XIX Century, Published in English by G. Blair, a Member of the Royal Society, London. Vols. 1 and 2. Moscow University Press, 1808-1809. The English edition: Blair’s Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the Present Time, etc. London, G. Bell & Sons, 1882.

77. Bobrovnitskaya, T. A. The Royal Regalia of the Russian Rulers. The Kremlin in Moscow. Published to Commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the State Coat of Arms and the 450th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the First Russian Czar Ivan the Terrible. Moscow, The Moscow Kremlin State Museum and Reserve for History and Culture, 1997.

78. Bobrovnitsky. The Origins and the Process of the Roman Catholic Liturgy. Kiev, 1873.

79. Bogdanov, Ivan. Name Lists of the Bulgarian Khans. Sofia, Otechestvenia Front Press, 1981.

80. Gousseva, E., A. Lukashov, and others. Our Lady of Vladimir. A collection of materials. Exhibition catalogue. The State Tretyakovskaya Gallery, The Moscow Kremlin State Museum and Reserve for History and Culture. Moscow, Avangard Press, 1995.

80:1. Boguslavskiy, V. V. The Slavic Encyclopaedia. Vols. 1 and 2.
Moscow, OLMA-Press, 2001.

81. Bozhilov, Ivan. The Asen Dynasty (1186-1460). Genealogy and Prosopography. Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Press, 1994.

82. Bolingbroke. Epistles on Historical Studies and their Utility.
Moscow, Nauka, 1978.

83. Bolotov, V. V. Lectures on Ancient Ecclesial History. Vols.
1-4, Published posthumously under the editorship of Prof.
A. Brilliantov. St. Petersburg, 1907. Reprinted Moscow, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery of Valaam, 1994.

84. Bolkhovitinov, E. A. (Metropolitan Eugene). The Concise Chronicle of Pskov. Pskov, Otchina Press, 1993.

85. The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia. Vols. 1-51. 2nd edition.
Moscow, The Soviet Encyclopaedia Press, 1949-1957.

85:1. The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia. Vols. 1-30. 3rd edition.

Moscow, 1969-1978. (Electronic version on 5 CD-ROMs.)

86. The Great Catechism. Moscow, 7135 (1627 ap). Reprinted by the Royal Grodno typography in 7291 (1683 ap).

87. The Great German-Russian Dictionary. 2nd edition, Stereotyped. Moscow, Russkiy Yazyk, 1980.

87:1. The Great Turkish-Russian Dictionary. 20,000 words and word-groups. The RAS Institute for Oriental Studies.
2nd edition. Moscow, Russkiy Yazyk, 1998.

88. The Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Moscow, The Great Russian Encyclopaedia Press, 1998.

89. Borisov, N. S. Ivan Kalita. The Celebrity Biographies series. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardia, 1995.

90. Borisovskaya, N. Engraved Ancient Maps and Plans of the XV-XVIII century. Cosmography, Maps, Star Charts, City and Battle Plans. From the Pushkin State Museum of Art Collection. Moscow, Galaktika Press, 1995.

91. Bosch, Hieronymus. Self-titled album of reproductions.
Moscow, Uniserv, 1995.

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131. The Byzantine Book of the Eparch. Moscow, Oriental Literature Publications, 1962. Also see The Book of the Eparch. Le livre du préfet, with an introduction by Prof.
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132. Byzantine Historians. Dexippos, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Malchus, Peter the Patrician, Menander, Candides, Nonnos, Theophanes the Byzantine. St. Petersburg, 1858.

133. Byzantine Legends. Leningrad, Nauka, 1972.

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136. de Villehardouin, Geoffroy. The Conquest of Constantinople. Moscow, Nauka, 1993.

137. Vinogradov, V. K. Theodosia. A Historical Apercu. Yekaterinodar, Kilius & Co Typography, 1902. (A reprint of the first part of the book is given in the historical and literary almanac titled Okoyem [Horizon], No. 2 for 1992, Theodosia.)

138. Vittorio, Serra. The Entire Rome. (Flowers. Churches.
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142. Voyekova, I. N., and V. P. Mitrofanov. Yaroslavl. From the series titled Museum Cities. Leningrad, Avrora, 1973.

143. The Military Topographic Map of Moscow and its Environs (1860). The map was published in the Rarities of Russian Cartography series. Moscow, Kartair, the scientific and editorial publishing house of I. R. Anokhin, 1998.

144. Around the Coliseum. The Izvestiya newspaper, 18 May 1977.

145. The Vologda Chronicle. The Anthology of Ancient Russian Literature, Vol. 37. Leningrad, Nauka, 1982.

145:1. The Land of Volokolamsk. Dedicated to 400 Years of Glorifying the Most Reverend Joseph of Volotsk. Under the general editorship of Pitirim, the Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yurievsk. Moscow, Prosvetitel, 1994.

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148. Voronikhina, L. N. Edinburgh. The Cities and Museums of the World series. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1974.

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150. The Chronicle of Ivan Timofeyev. Prepared for printing, translated and commented by O. A. Derzhavina. MoscowLeningrad, 1951.

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152. The Unified Library of Russia, or the Book Catalogue for an Exhaustive and Detailed Description of our Fatherland.
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153. Maggi, G. and Valdes, G. The Entire Turkey. Florence, Casa Editrice Bonechi, 1995.

154. Wooley, L. Ur of the Chaldees. Moscow, Oriental Literary, 1961 (1972). English edition: Wooley, L. Ur of the Chaldees, London, Benn, 1950. See also: Wooley, L. Excavations at Ur. A Record of Twelve Years. London, Benn, 1955.

155. Galfridus Monmutensis. History of the Brits. The Life of Merlin. Moscow, Nauka, 1984. English edition: Histories of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth. Translated by L. A. Paton. London-New York, 1912. See also: Giles, J. A., ed. Six Old English Chronicles. London, 1848.

156. Garkavi, A. Y. The Accounts of the Slavs and the Russians as Given by Muslim Authors (from mid-VII century until the End of the X century AD). St. Petersburg, 1870 (1872).

157. Genova, E., and L. Vlakhova. 24 Church Plates from the Rila Monastery. Sofia, Bulgarsky Khudozhnik, 1988.

158. GEO. A monthly magazine. No. 1 (January, 2000). Moscow, Gruner and Yar Ltd.

159. Geographical Atlas. Moscow, The General Council of Ministers, Department of Geodetics and Cartography. 1968.

160. Herberstein. Baron Sigismund Herberstein. Notes on the Affairs of the Muscovires. St. Petersburg, A. S. Souvorin’s Press, 1908. Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii. Wien, S. 1 et d., 1549. Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii. Basiliae, 1551. Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii. Basiliae, 1556. Moscovia, der Hauptstat in Reissen. Wien, 1557.
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162. von Winkler, P. P., comp. Coats of Arms of Cities, Provinces, Regions and Towns of the Russian Empire Included into the Complete Collection of Laws and Regulations between 1649 and 1900. St. Petersburg: published by the book salesman Mv. Iv. Ivanov, 1899. New edition: Moscow, Planeta, 1990.

163. Herodotus. History. Leningrad, Nauka, 1972. English edition: The History of Herodotus. From the series Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 5. Chicago, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., The University of Chicago, 1952 (2nd edition 1990). See also: Herodotus. The Histories of Herodotus, etc. London and New York, Everyman’s Library, 1964.

164. Herzen, A. G., and Y. M. Mogarichev. The Fortress of Gems. Kyrk-Or, Chufut-Kale. Published as part of the series The Archaeological Monuments of the Crimea. Simferopol, Tavria, 1993.

165. Herzen, A. G., and Y. M. Mogarichev. Salachik. The Ouspensky Monastery. Bakhchisaray. The State Museum and Reserve for History and Culture of Bakhchisaray. 1991.

165:1. Hertzman, Yevgeni. The Lost Centuries of Byzantine Music. The XX International Congress of Byzantine Scholars. St. Petersburg, The Humanitarian Academy Publishing Centre, 2001.

166. Gerchouk, Y. Y. History of Drawing and Book Art. Moscow, Aspect, 2000.

167. Gililov, I. A Passion Play of William Shakespeare, or the Mystery of the Great Phoenix. Moscow, “Artist. Rezhissyor.
Teatr.” Publications, 1997.

168. Glazounov, I. Russia Crucified. The Our Contemporary magazine, Issues 1-5, 7-9, 11 (1996). This material was subsequently published as a book.

169. Gnedenko, A. M., and V. M. Gnedenko. For One’s Comrades, or Everything about the Cossacks. Moscow, The Int'l Fund of Slavic Writing and Culture. ARP Int. Co., 1993.

170. The A. V. Shchusev Museum of Architecture, archive 1246/1-13.

171. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, I. N. The Mediaeval Latin Literature of Italy. Moscow, Nauka, 1972.

172. Golitsyn, N.S. The Great Warlords of History. Vol. 1. St.
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174. Golovin, B. N. Language and Statistics. Moscow, 1971.

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180. Homer. Iliad. Translated by N. I. Gnedich. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1969. See also: Homer, The Iliad of Homer. Chicago University Press, London, 1962.

180:1. Homer. The Odyssey of Homer. New York, Harper & Row, 1967.

181. Goneim, M. The Lost Pyramid. Moscow, Geographiz, 1959. English edition: Goneim, M. The Lost Pyramid. New York, Rinehart, 1956.

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187. The State Armoury. Album. Moscow, Sovetskiy Khudozhnik, 1988. A new edition by Galart Press, Moscow, 1990.

188. The A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Catalogue of paintings. Moscow, 1995, Mazzotta. Printed in Italy.

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194. Mina, Gregory. Uffizi and Pitti. The Art of the Florentine Galleries. Album. From the Great Museums of the World series. Moscow, Slovo, 1999. A translation of the Italian edition by Magnus Edizioni, Udine, Italy, 1994, 1996.

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198. Greece: Temples, Sepulchres and Treasures. The Lost Civilizations Encyclopaedia. Translated from English by N. Belov. Moscow, Terra Publishing Centre, 1997. Original edition, Time-Life Books BV, 1994.

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204. Grigoulevich, I. R. The History of the Inquisition. Moscow, Nauka, 1970.

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209. Gouliaev, V. I. Pre-Columbian Voyages to America. Myths and Reality. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye Otnoshenia, 1991.

210. Gouliaev, V. I. America and the Old World in the PreColumbian Epoch. Moscow, Nauka, 1968.

210:1. Gouliaey, V. I. Following the Conquistadors. Moscow, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Nauka, 1976.

211. Gumilev, L. N. Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe.
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213. Gumilev, L. N. Hunnu. St. Petersburg: Time-OutCompass, 1993.

214. Gumilev, L. N. The Black Legend. Moscow, Ekopros, 1994.

215. Gumilev L. N. The Huns in China. Moscow, Nauka, 1974.

216. Gumilev, L. N. From Rus’ to Russia. Moscow, Ekopros, 1992.

217. Gourevich, A. Y. The Mediaeval Cultural Categories.
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218. Gourevich, V. B. An Introduction into Spherical Astronomy. Moscow, Nauka, 1978.

219. Gouter, R. S., and Y. L. Polounov. Girolamo Cardano.
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220. Goutz, Alexander K. The True History of Russia. Omsk, Omsk State University Press, 1999.

221. D. The Stirrup of “Quiet flows the Don.” Mysteries of the Novel. Paris, YMCA Press, 1974.

222. Davidenko, I. V. The Word Was, The Word Is, The Word Shall Always Be. ... A Philological Fantasy. Moscow, Russkiy Dvor Press, 1999.

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224. Dal, V. An Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Russian Language. St. Petersburg-Moscow, The M. O. Wolf Society Press, 1914. Reprinted Moscow, Citadel, 1998.

225. Dal, Vladimir. An Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Russian Language. Moscow, State National and Foreign Dictionary Publishing House, 1956.

226. Damascene, John. Dialectic. Moscow, 1862. See also: John of Damascus. Dialectica. New York, St. Bonaventure Franciscan Institute, 1953.

227. Damascene, John. Three Apologies against the Detractors of the Holy Icons or Effigies. St. Petersburg, 1893. English edition: Baker, T. John Damascene on Holy Images Followed by Three Sermons of the Assumption. London, 1898.

228. Dantas, G. Parthenon in Peril. The UNESCO Courier, No.
6 (1968): 16-18, 34.

229. Dante, Alighieri. Minor CEuvres. Moscow, Nauka, 1968.
Also see: Dante, Alighieri. Opere Minori. Florence, 1856.

230. Dante, Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. Translated from the Italian by A. A. Ilushin. Moscow, Philological Department of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1995.

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233:1. The Gifts of the Magi — a Source of Bliss until Our Day.
Translated from modern Greek by M. Klimenko. The Holy Mount Athon, the Monastery of St. Paul the Apostle.
Information about this book was obtained from the Holy Lamp newspaper published by the Preobrazhensky Temple in the Bolshie Vyazyomy village, No. 1 (1996).

234. The Gifts Made by the Imperial House of Russia to the Museum of History. Catalogue of an exhibition. Moscow, The State Museum of History, Publishing Department. 1993.

235. Dowley, Tim. The Biblical Atlas. Three’s Company & Angus Hudson Ltd., 1989. Russian translation: Moscow, The Russian Biblical Society, 1994.

236. Cameniata, Johannes. Two Byzantine Chronicles of the X century. The Psamathian Chronicle; The Conquest of Thessalonica. Moscow, Oriental Literature Publications, 1962. Also see: Cameniata, Joannes. De Exicidio Thessalonicae. In: Clugnet, L. Bibliotheque hagiographique orientale. Paris, 1901-1905.

237. Dvoretsky, I. K. Latin-Russian Dictionary. 50,000 words.
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237:1. Deveuze, Lily. Carcassonne. The Golden Book series (in Russian). Florence, Bonechi, Central Typography, 2000.

238. Dementyeva, V. V. “The Roman History of Charles Rollen” as Read by a Russian Nobleman. The Ancient History Courier, No. 4 (1991): 117-122.

239. Denisov, L. I. The Orthodox Monasteries of the Russian Empire. Moscow, 1908. 389-393.

240. Jalal, Assad. Constantinople. From Byzantium to Istanbul.
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241. Jivelegov, A. K. Dante Alighieri. From the Celebrity Biographies series. Moscow, OGIZ, The Magazine and Newspaper Trust, 1933.

242. Jivelegov, A. K. Leonardo da Vinci. From the Celebrity Biographies series. Moscow, OGIZ, The Magazine and Newspaper Trust, 1935.

243. Giovanni, Villani. The New Chronicle, or the History of Florence. Moscow, Nauka, 1997. Italian edition: Cronica di Giovanni Villani a miglior lezione redotta collaiuto detesti a penna. Florence, Magheri, 1823; Rome, Multigrafica, 1980. Vols. 1-8.

244. Giovanni, Novelli. The Shroud of Turin: The Issue Remains Open. Translated from Italian. Moscow, Franciscan Press, 1998.

245. Giua, Michele. The History of Chemistry. Moscow, Mir, 1975. Italian original: Giua, Michele. Storia della chimica, dell’alchimia alle dottrine moderne. Chiantore, Turin, 1946; Union Tipografiko-Editrice Torinese, 1962.

246. Digests of Justinian. Selected fragments translated by I. S. Peretersky. Moscow, Nauka, 1984.

247. Diehl, Ch. History of the Byzantine Empire. Moscow, IL, 1948. English edition: Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1925.

248. Diehl, Ch. Chief Problems of the Byzantine History. Moscow, 1947. French edition: Diehl, Ch. Les Grands Problémes de l’Histoire Byzantine. Paris, Armand Diehl Library, A. Colin, 1947.
249. Diels, H. Ancient Technology. Moscow-Leningrad, ONTIGTTI, 1934.

250. Diophantes. Arithmetics. Moscow, Nauka, 1974. See also: Diophantus, Alexandrinus. Diophanti Alexandrini Opera Omnia, cum graecis commentaries. Lipsiae: in aedibus B.
G. Teubner, 1893-1895.

251. Diringer, D. The Alphabet. Moscow, IL, 1963. English edition: London, Hutchinson & Co., 1968.

252. Dietmar, A. B. Ancient Geography. Moscow, Nauka, 1980.

253. Yankov, V. P., comp. Following the Roads of the Millennia.
A collection of historical articles and essays. Book four.
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254. Drboglav, D. A. Mysteries of Ancient Latin Hallmarks of IX-XIV century Swords. Moscow, MSU Press, 1984.

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8: Attacking the Sleeping Ones (1972). English edition: Chicago-London, Chicago University Press, 1973. Also see the edition by the Jaico Publishing House, Bombay, 1976.

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595. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. Determining the Propinquity Quotient and Duplicate Identification in Chronological Lists. Report theses of the 5th International Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Conference. Vilnius, The Lithuanian AS Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics, Vol. 4 (1989): 111-112.

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598. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. Statistical Research of Parallel Occurrences and Biographies in British Chronological and Historical Materials. Semiotics and Informatics. Moscow, The National System Research Institute, Issue 34 (1994): 205-233.

599. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. The New Chronology and the Concept of the Ancient History of Russia, Britain and Rome. (Facts. Statistics. Hypotheses.) Vol. 1: Russia. Vol. 2: England, Rome. Moscow, the MSU Centre of Research and Pre-University Education, 1995. 2nd edition: 1996.

600. Fomenko, A. T., and G. V. Nosovskiy. Mathematical and Statistical Models of Information Distribution in Historical Chronicles. The Mathematical Issues of Cybernetics. Physical and Mathematical Literature (Moscow, Nauka), Issue 6 (1996): 71-116.

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621. The Ostrog Bible (The Bible, or the Books of the Old and the New Covenant, in the Language of the Slavs). Ostrog, 1581. Reprinted as The Ostrog Bible. The Soviet Culture Fund Commission for the Publication of Literary Artefacts. Moscow-Leningrad, Slovo-Art, 1988. “The phototypic copy of the 1581 text was supervised by I. V. Dergacheva with references to the copies from the Scientific Library of A. M. Gorky Moscow State University.”

622. National History from the Earliest Days and until 1917. Encyclopaedia, Vol. 1. Moscow, The Great Russian Encyclopaedia Publications, 1994.

623. Bavin, S. P., and G. V. Popov. The Revelation of St. John as Reflected in the Global Literary Tradition. The catalogue of an exhibition organized in Moscow by the Greek Embassy in 1994. A joint publication of the Greek Embassy and the State Library of Russia. Moscow, Indrik, 1995.

623:1. A postcard with an Egyptian zodiac. The Creation Scene. Egypt, El-Faraana Advertising & Printing, 2000.

624. Historical and Folk Tale Apercus. From Cheops to Christ.
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628. Makarevich, G. V., ed. The Architectural Monuments of Moscow. White Town. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1989.

629. Makarevich, G. V., ed. The Architectural Monuments of Moscow. Zamoskvorechye. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1994.

630. Artefacts of Diplomatic Relations with the Roman Empire.
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631. Rybakov, B. A., ed. Artefacts of the Kulikovo Cycle. St. Petersburg, RAS, The Institute of Russian History. Blitz, the Russo-Baltic Information Centre, 1998.

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633. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. The XII century.
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634. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. The XIII century.
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635. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. The XIV — mid-XV century. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1981.

636. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. Second Half of the XV century. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1982.

637. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. Late XV — Early XVI century. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1984.

638. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. Mid-XVI century.
Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1985.

639. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. Second Half of the XVI century. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1986.

640. Literary Artefacts of Ancient Russia. Late XVI- Early XVII century. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1987.

641. Significant Works in Russian Law. Issue 2. Moscow, 1954.

642. Significant Works in Russian Law. Issue 3. Moscow, 1955.

643. Pannekuk, A. The History of Astronomy. Moscow, Nauka, 1966.

644. Parandowski, J. Petrarch. The Inostrannaya Literatura (Foreign Literature) magazine, No. 6 (1974). Also see: Parandowski, J. Petrarca. Warsaw, 1957.

645. Paradisis, Alexander. The Life and Labours of Balthazar Cossas (Pope John XXIII). Minsk, Belarus, 1980.

646. Pasek. A Historical Description of Simon’s Monastery in Moscow. Moscow, 1843.

647. Romanenko, A. The Patriarch Chambers of the Moscow Kremlin. Moscow, The Moscow Kremlin State Museum and Reserve for History and Culture, 1994.

648. Pahimer, George. The Story of Michael and Andronicus Palaeologi. The Reign of Michael Palaiologos. St. Petersburg, 1862.

648:1. Pashkov, B. G. Holy Russia — Russia — The Russian Empire. The Genealogical Tree of the Principal Russian Clans (862-1917). Moscow, TsentrKom, 1996.

649. The First Muscovite Princes. In Historical Portraits series.
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650. Perepyolkin, Y. A. The Coup of Amenkhotep IV. Part 1.
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651. The Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible and Andrei Kurbskiy. In Literary Landmarks series. Leningrad, Nauka, 1979.
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652. The Song of Roland. International Literature Collection.
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653. Petrov, A. M. The Great Silk Route. The Simplest, but Largely Unknown Facts. Moscow, Vostochnaya Literatura, RAS, 1995.

654. Petruchenko, O, Latin-Russian Dictionary. Moscow, published by the V. V. Dumnov and the Heirs of Silayev Brothers, 1914. Reprinted by the Graeco-Latin Department of Y. A. Shichalin, 1994.

654:1. The Maritime Voyage of St. Brendan (Navigation Sancti Brendani Abbatis saec X ap). St. Petersburg, Azbuka-Klassika, 2002. English translation: Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis from Early Latin Manuscripts. Ed., introd. and notes: C. Selmer, Notre Dame, 1959.

655. Plan of the Imperial Capital City of Moscow, Created under the Supervision of Ivan Michurin, the Architect, in 1739. The First Geodetic Plan of Moscow. The General Council of Ministers, Department of Geodetics and Cartography (the Cartographer Cooperative). Published together with a calendar for 1989.

656. Plano Carpini, G. del. History of the Mongols. William of Rubruck. The Journey to the Oriental Countries. The Book of Marco Polo. Moscow, Mysl, 1997. See also: The Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the
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English edition: The Works of Plato. Bohn’s Classical Library, 1848.

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660. Plutarch. Comparative Biographies. Vol. 1: Moscow, USSR AN Press, 1961; Vol. 2: Moscow, USSR AN Press, 1963; Vol.
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661. Plyukhanova, M. B. Subjects and Symbols of the Muscovite Kingdom. St. Petersburg, Akropol, 1995.

662. Kremlin. A Brief Guide. Moscow, Moskovskiy Rabochiy, 1960.

663. The Yearly Chronicle. Part 1. Text and translation. Moscow-Leningrad, The USSR AN Press, 1950.

664. The Yearly Chronicle. Published in the Dawn of the Russian Literature series (XI — early XII century). Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1978. 23-277.

665. The Tale of Varlaam and Ioasaph. Leningrad, Nauka, 1985.

666. Likhachev, D. S., ed. The Tale of the Kulikovo Battle. The Text and the Miniatures of the Authorized Compilation of the XVI century. Published by the XVI century manuscript kept in the USSR Academy of Sciences Library (The Authorized Compilation of Chronicles, Osterman’s Vol. II, sheet 3 — 126 reverse). Leningrad, Aurora, 1984.

666:1. Podosinov, A. V., and A. M. Belov. Lingua Latina. LatinRussian Dictionary. About 15,000 words. Moscow, Flinta, Nauka, 2000.

667. Pokrovskiy, N. N.A Voyage in Search of Rare Books. Moscow, Kniga. 2nd edition, 1988.

668. Polak, I. F A Course of General Astronomy. Moscow, Gonti, 1938.

669. Polybius. History in 40 Volumes. Moscow, 1899.

670. The Complete Symphony of the Canonical Books of the Holy Writ. St. Petersburg, The Bible For Everybody, 1996.

671. The Complete Collection of Russian Chonicles. Vol. 33.
Leningrad, Nauka, 1977.

672. The Complete Collection of Russian Chonicles. Vol. 35.
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673. Polo, M. The Journey. Translated from French. Leningrad, 1940.

674. Poluboyarinova, M. D. Russians in the Golden Horde.
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674:1. [Pompeii]. Pompeii. Album. Authors: Filippo Coarelli, Emilio de Albentiis, Maria Paola Guidobaldi, Fabricio Pesando, and Antonio Varone. Moscow, Slovo, 2002. Printed in Italy.

674:2. [Pompeii]. Nappo, Salvatore. Pompeii. Album. From the World Wonder Atlas series. Moscow, Bertelsmann Media Moskau, 2001. English original: Salvatore Ciro Nappo.
Pompeii. White Star, 1998, Vercelli, Italy.

675. Popovskiy, M. A. Time Conquered. A Tale of Nikolai Morozov. Moscow, Political Literature, 1975.

676. The Portuguese-Russian and Russian-Portuguese Dictionary. Kiev, Perun, 1999,

677. The Successors of Marco Polo. Voyages of the Westerners into the Countries of the Three Indias. Moscow, Nauka, 1968.

678. Pospelov, M. The Benediction of Reverend Sergei. The Moskva magazine, 1990

679. Postnikov, A. V. Maps of the Russian Lands: A Brief Review of the History of Geographical Studies and Cartography of Our Fatherland. Moscow, Nash Dom — L'Age d’ Homme, 1996.

680. Postnikov, M. M. A Critical Research of the Chronology of the Ancient World. Vols. 1-3. Moscow, Kraft and Lean, 2000. [A. T. Fomenko’s remark: This book is a publication of a manuscript of more than 1000 pages written by Doctors of Physics and Mathematics A. S. Mishchenko and A. T. Fomenko. It was edited by M. M. Postnikov, and came out signed with his name. He acknowledges this fact in the preface to Vol. 1, on page 6, albeit cagily.]

681. Fomenko A. T., and M. M. Postnikov. New Methods of Statistical Analysis of the Narrative and Digital Material of Ancient History. Moscow, Scientific Counsel for the Study of the General Problem of Cybernetics, The USSR AS, 1980. 1-36.

682. Fomenko A. T., and M. M. Postnikov. New Methods of Statistical Analysis of the Narrative and Digital Material of Ancient History. Scientific note of the Tartu University, works related to sign symbols. XV, Cultural Typology, Cultural Influence Feedback. Tartu University Press, Release 576 (1982): 24-43.

683. Postnikov, M. M. The Greatest Mystification in the World?
In Tekhnika i Nauka (Science & Technology), 1982, No.7, pp. 28-33.

684. Potin, V. M. Coins. Treasures. Collections. Numismatic essays. St. Petersburg, Iskusstvo-SPb, 1993.

685. Potin, V. M. Ancient Russia and the European States of the X-XIII century. Leningrad, Sovetskiy Khudozhnik, 1968.

685:1. Pope-Hennessy, John. Fra Angelico. Album. Moscow, Slovo, 1996. Scala, 1995, Istituto Fotografico Editoriale.

686. Pokhlyobkin, V. V. The Foreign Affairs of the Holy Russia, Russia and the USSR over the 1000 Years in Names, Dates and Facts. A Reference Book. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye Otnoshenya, 1992.

687. Merited Academician N. A. Morozov. Memoirs. Vols. 1 and 2. The USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, USSR AS Press, 1962.

688. Orthodox Art and the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery.
Materials of scientific conferences dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, 17 December 1997 and 22 September 1998. The Zvenigorod Museum of Architecture, History, and Arts. Zvenigorod, Savva Plus M, 1998.

689. Malinovskaya, N., ed. Prado. Paintings. Album. Translated from Spanish. Lunwerg Editores. Barcelona-Madrid, 1994.
Russian translation: Moscow, MK-Import, 1999.

690. Reverend Joseph Volotsky. The Illuminator. Published by the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery of Valaam. Blessed by the Holiest Patriarch of Moscow and the Entire Russia, Alexiy II. Moscow, 1993.

691. Priester, E. A Brief History of Austria. Moscow, IL, 1952.
German edition: Kurze Geschichte Osterreichs. Vienna, Globus, 1946.

692. Prishchepenko, V. N. The Pages of Russian History. Vol. 1: 1988. Vol. 2: 2000. Moscow, Profizdat.

693. Problems of Museum Collection Formation and Studies of the State Museum of Religious History. Leningrad, The RSFSR Ministry of Culture, publised by the State Museum of History of Religions, 1990.

694. Procopius of Caesarea. On the Buildings. The Vestnik Drevnei Istorii (Courier of Ancient History) magazine, No. 4 (1939): 201-298. See also: Procopius of Caesarea. On the Buildings of Justinian. London, Palestine Piligrim Society, 1888.

695. Procopius. The Gothic War. Moscow, The USSR AS Press, 1950.

696. Procopius. The Gothic War. On the Buildings. Moscow, Arktos, Vika-Press, 1996. See also: Procopius of Caesarea.
Procopius. Vol. 7. London, William Heinemann; New York, Macmillan & Co. 1914-1940.

697. Procopius of Caesarea. The Persian War. The War with the Vandals. Arcane History. St. Petersburg, Aleteya, 1998.

698. Proskouriakov, V. M. Johannes Gutenberg. The Celebrity Biographies series. Moscow, the Literary Magazine Union, 1933.

699. Prokhorov, G. M. The Tale of Batu-Khan’s Invasion in Lavrenty’s Chronicle. Published as part of The Russian Literary History Research. XI-XVII centuries. Leningrad, Nauka, 1974.

700. Book of Psalms. Moscow, 1657. (Private collection.)

701. The book of Psalms with Appendices. Published in the Great City of Moscow in the Year 7160 [1652 ap], in the Month of October, on the 1st Day. New edition: Moscow, The Vvedenskaya Church of St. Trinity Coreligionist Typography, 1867.

702. Psellus, Michael. Chronography. Moscow, Nauka, 1978.
English edition: The Chronographia of Michael Psellus.
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703. Pskovskiy, Y. P. Novae and Supernovae. Moscow, Nauka, 1974.

704. Ptolemy, Claudius. Almagest, or the Mathematical Tractate in Thirteen Volumes. Translated by I. N. Veselovskiy. Moscow, Nauka, Fizmatlit, 1998.

705. Poisson, A., N. A. Morozov, FE. Schwarz, M. Eliade, and K.G. Jung. The Theory and Symbols of Alchemy. The Great Work. Kiev, Novy Akropol, Bront Ltd., 1995.

706. Mashkov, I. P., ed. A Guide to Moscow. Moscow, The Muscovite Architectural Society for the Members of the V Convention of Architects in Moscow, 1913.

707. The Voyage of Columbus. Diaries, Letters, Documents.
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708. Putilov, Boris. Ancient Russia in Personae. Gods, Heroes, People. St. Petersburg, Azbuka, 1999.

709. Pushkin, A. Collected Works. Leningrad, The State Fiction Publishers, 1935.

710. Pushkin A. in the Recollections of Contemporaries. Two volumes. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, 1974.

711. Pushkin’s Memorial Places in Russia. A Guidebook. Moscow, Profizdat, 1894.

711:1. Pylyaev, M. I. The Old Petersburg. Accounts of the Capital’s Past. A reprint of A. S. Souvorov’s 1889 St. Petersburg edition. Moscow, IKPA, 1990.

712. Lukovich-Pyanovich, Olga. The Serbs... The Oldest of Nations. Vols. 1-3. Belgrade, Miroslav, 1993-1994.

713. Pietrangeli, Carlo. Vatican. From the Great Museums of the World series. Moscow, Slovo, 1998. A translation of the Italian edition by Magnus Editioni, Udine, 1996.

714. Five Centuries of European Drawings. The drawings of old masters from the former collection of Franz Konig.
The 1.10.1995-21.01.1996 exhibition catalogue. The Russian Federation Ministry of Culture, The State A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Art. Moscow-Milan, Leonardo Arte (versions in Russian and in English).

715. The Radzivillovskaya Chronicle. The text. The research.
A description of the miniatures. St. Petersburg, Glagol; Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1994.

716. The Radzivillovskaya Chronicle. The Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles, Vol. 38. Leningrad, Nauka, 1989.

717. Radiocarbon. Collected articles. Vilnius, 1971.

718. The Imprecision of Radiocarbon Datings. The Priroda (Nature) magazine, No. 3 (1990): 117. (New Scientist, Vol.
123, No. 1684 (1989): 26).

719. Radzig, N. The Origins of Roman Chronicles. Moscow University Press, 1903.

720. The Book of Rank. 1457-1598. Moscow, Nauka, 1966.

721, Razoumov, G. A., and M. F. Khasin. The Drowning cities.
Moscow, Nauka, 1978.

722. Wright, J. K. The Geographical Lore of the Time of the Crusades, A Study in the History of Medieval Science and Tradition in Western Europe. Moscow, Nauka, 1988. English original published in New York in 1925.

722:1. Reizer, V. I. The Process of Joan of Arc. Moscow-Leningrad, Nauka, 1964.

723. Fomenko, A. T., and S. T. Rachev. Volume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle.
Source study methods of Russian social thinking historical studies of the feudal epoch. A collection of academic publications. Moscow, The USSR History Institute, AS, 1989. 161-180.

724. Rashid ad-Din. History of the Mongols. St. Petersburg, 1858.

725. Renan, J. The Antichrist. St. Petersburg, 1907. English edition: Renan’s Antichrist. The Scott Library, 1899.

726. Rome: Echoes of the Imperial Glory. Translated from English by T. Azarkovich. The Extinct Civilizations series.
Moscow, Terra, 1997. Original by Time-Life Books, 1994.

727. Rich, V. Was there a Dark Age? The Khimia i Zhizn (Chemistry and Life) magazine, No. 9 (1983): 84.

728. Riesterer, Peter P., and Roswitha Lambelet. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Cairo, Lehnert & Landrock, Orient Art Publishers, 1980. Russian edition, 1996.

729. Robert of Clari. The Conquest of Constantinople. Moscow, Nauka, 1986. English edition: McNeal, E. H. The Conquest of Constantinople of Robert of Clari. Translated with introduction and notes by E. Holmes McNeal. New York, 1936. Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies.
Vol. XXIII. Reprint: New York, 1964, 1969.

730 Rogozina, Z. A. The Earliest Days of Egyptian History.
Issue 2. Petrograd, A. F. Marx Typography, n.d.

731. Rozhdestvenskaya, L. A. The Novgorod Kremlin. A Guidebook. Lenizdat, 1980.

732. Rozhitsyn, V. S., and M. P. Zhakov. The Origins of the Holy Books. Leningrad, 1925.

733. Rozhkov, M. N. A. Morozov — The Founding Father of the Dimension Number Analysis. The Successes of the Physical Sciences, Vol. 49, Issue 1 (1953).

734. Rozanov, N. History of the Temple of Our Lady’s Birth in Staroye Simonovo, Moscow, Dedicated to its 500th Anniversary (1370-1870). Moscow, Synodal Typography on Nikolskaya Street, 1870.

735. Romanyuk, S. From the History of Small Muscovite Streets. Moscow, 1988.

735:1. Romanyuk, S. From the History of Small Muscovite Streets. Moscow, Svarog, 2000.

735:2. Romanyuk, S. The Lands of the Muscovite Villages. Part I. Moscow, Svarog, 2001.

735:3. Romanyuk, S. The Lands of the Muscovite Villages. Part II. Moscow, Svarog, 1999.

736. The Russian Academy of Sciences. Personae. Three books.
Book 1: 1724-1917. Book 2: 1918-1973. Book 3: 19741999. Moscow, Nauka, 1999.

737. Rossovskaya, V. A. The Calendarian Distance of Ages.
Moscow, Ogiz, 1930.

738. A Guide to the Paschalia for the Seminary Schools. Moscow, The V. Gautier Typography, 1853. Reprinted in Moscow by Grad Kitezh in 1991.

739. Bleskina, O. N., comp. An Illustrated book of Manuscripts of the USSR AS Library. Catalogue for an exhibition of illustrated chronicles of the XI-XIX century written with roman letters. Leningrad, The USSR AS Library, 1991.

740. Handwritten and Typeset Books. Collected Articles. Moscow, Nauka, 1975.

741. Manuscripts of the Late XV — early XVI century. The Kirillo-Belozersk Collection, 275/532. The M. E. SaltykovShchedrin Public Library, St. Petersburg.

742. Roumyantsev, A. A. Methods of Historical Analysis in the Works of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov. The Scientific Institute of P. F. Lesgaft Notes, Vol. 10. Leningrad, 1924.

743. Roumyantsev, A. A. The Death and the Resurrection of the Saviour. Moscow, Atheist, 1930.

744, Roumyantsev, N. V. Orthodox Feasts. Moscow, Ogiz, 1936.

745. The Russian Bible. The Bible of 1499 and the Synodal Translation of the Bible. Illustrated. 10 Vols. The Biblical Museum, 1992. Publishing department of the Muscovite Patriarchy, Moscow, 1992 (The Gennadievskaya Bible).
Only the following volumes came out before the beginning of 2002: Vol. 4 (Book of Psalms), Vols. 7 and 8 (The New Testament), and Vol. 9 (Appendices, scientific descriptions). Vols. 7 and 8 were published by the Moscow Patriarchy in 1992; Vols. 4 and 9 published by the Novospassky Monastery, Moscow, 1997 (Vol. 4), 1998 (Vol. 9).

746. The Pioneer of Russian Printing. A Brief Biography. Ivan Fedorov’s “Alphabet” Published in 1578. In collaboration with Translesizdat Ltd. Blessed by the Editing Board of the Muscovite Patriarchy. Moscow, Spolokhi, 2000.

747. Russian Chronographer of 1512. The Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles, Vol. 22. St. Petersburg, 1911.

748. Knyazevskaya, T. B., comp. Russian Spiritual Chivalry.
Collected articles. Moscow, Nauka, 1996.

749. Leyn, K., ed. Russian-German Dictionary. 11th stereotype edition. Moscow, Russkiy Yazyk, 1991.

750. Dmitriev, N. K., ed. Russian-Tartarian Dictionary. The USSR AS, Kazan Affiliate of the Language, Literature and History Institute. Kazan, Tatknigoizdat, 1955.

750:1. Mustaioki, A., and E. Nikkila. Russian-Finnish Didactic Dictionary. Abt. 12,500 words. Moscow, Russkiy Yazyk, 1982.

751. Shcherba, L. V., and M. R. Matousevich. Russian-French Dictionary. 9th stereotype edition. Moscow, Sovetskaya Encyclopaedia, 1969.

752. Rybakov, B. A. From the History of Ancient Russia and Its Culture. Moscow, MSU Press, 1984.

753. Rybakov, B. A. The Kiev Russia and Russian Principalities.
The XII-XIII century. Moscow, Nauka, 1982, 1988.

754. Rybakov, B. A. The Kiev Russia and Russian Principalities.
Moscow, Nauka, 1986.

755. Rybnikov, K. A. History of Mathematics. Moscow, MSU Press, 1974.

756. Ryabtsevitch, V. N. What the Coins Tell Us. Minsk, Narodnaya Asveta, 1977.

757. Savelyev, E. P. Cossacks and their History. Vols. 1 and 2.
Vladikavkaz, 1991. A reprint of E. Savelyev’s Ancient History of the Cossacks. Novocherkassk, 1915.

758. Savelyeva, E. A. Olaus Magnus and his “History of the Northern Peoples.” Leningrad, Nauka, 1983. [Olaus Magnus. Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, 1555].

759. Prince Obolensky’s Almanach. Part 1, Sections 1-7. N.p., 1866.

760 Suetonius Caius Tranquillius. History of the Twelve Caesars. Moscow, Nauka, 1966. See also the English edition: New York, AMS Press, 1967; as well as the one titled The Twelve Caesars. London, Folio Society, 1964.

760:1. Collected Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Tatarstan Republic. Vol. 1. Administrative regions. Kazan, Master Line, 1999.

761. The General Catalogue of Slavic and Russian Handwritten Books Kept in USSR: The XI-XIII century. Moscow, 1984.

762. St. Stephen of Perm. The Old Russian Tales of Famous People, Places and Events series. Article, text, translation from Old Russian, commentary. St. Petersburg, Glagol, 1995.

763. Holy Relics of Old Moscow. Russian National Art Library.
Moscow, Nikos, Kontakt, 1993.

763:1. Stogov, Ilya, comp. Holy Writings of the Mayans: PopolVukh, Rabinal-Achi. Translated by R. V. Kinzhalov. With The Report of Yucatan Affairs by Brother Diego de Landa attached, translated by Y. V. Knorozov. The Alexandrian Library series. St. Petersburg, Amphora, 2000.

764. Semashko, I. I. 100 Great Women. Moscow, Veche, 1999.

765. Sunderland, I. T. Holy Books as Regarded by Science.
Gomel, Gomelskiy Rabochiy Western Regional, 1925.

766. Sergeyev, V. S. The History of Ancient Greece. MoscowLeningrad, Ogiz, 1934.

767. Sergeyev, V.S. Essays on the History of the Ancient Rome.
Vols. 1 and 2. Moscow, Ogiz, 1938.

768. Sizov, S. Another Account of the Three “Unidentified” Sepulchres of the Arkhangelsky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Materials and Research. Iskusstvo (Moscow), No. 1 (1973).

768:1. Shevchenko, V. F.,, ed. Simbirsk and its Past. An Anthology of Texts on Local History. Oulianovsk, Culture Studies Lab, 1993. The compilation includes the book by M. F. Superanskiy titled Simbirsk and its Past (1648-1898). A Historical Account, among others. Simbirsk, The Simbirsk Regional Scientific Archive Commission, The O. V. Mourakhovskaya Typography, 1899.

769. Sinelnikov, Vyacheslav (Rev. V. Sinelnikov). The Shroud of Turin at Dawn of the New Era. Moscow, Sretensky Friary, 2000.

769:1. Sinha, N. K., Banerjee, A. C. History of India. Moscow, Inostrannaya Literatura, 1954. English original: Calcutta, 1952.

770. Sipovskiy, V. D. Native Antiquity: History of Russia in Accounts and Pictures. Vol. 1: IX-XVI century. St. Petersburg, The V. F. Demakov Typography, 1879, 1888. Vol. 2: XIV-XVII century. St. Petersburg, D. D. Poluboyarinov Publishing House, 1904. Reprinted: Moscow, Sovremennik, 1993.

771. The Tale of the Mamay Battle. Facsimile edition. Moscow, Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1980.

772. A Tale of the Lord’s Passion. Part of the Russian handwritten collection of Christian works in Church Slavonic.
Private collection. The XVIII-XIX century.

772:1. The Scythians, the Khazars and the Slavs. Ancient Russia.
To the Centennary since the Birth of M. I. Artamonov. Report theses for the international scientific conference. St.
Petersburg, State Hermitage, the State University of St. Petersburg, the RAS Institute of Material Culture History.

773. Skornyakova, Natalya. Old Moscow. Engravings and Lithographs of the XVI-XIX Century from the Collection of the State Museum of History. Moscow, Galart, 1996.

774. Skromnenko, S. (Stroev, S. M.) The Inveracity of the Ancient Russian History and the Error of the Opinions Deeming Russian Chronicles Ancient. St. Petersburg, 1834.

775. Skrynnikov, R. G. The Reign of Terror. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 1992.

776. Skrynnikov, R. G. Ivan the Terrible. Moscow, Nauka, 1975. The 2nd edition came out in 1983.

777. Skrynnikov, R. G. Boris Godunov. Moscow, Nauka, 1983.

778. Skrynnikov, R. G. The State and the Church in Russia.
The XIV-XVI Century. Eminent Figures in the Russian Church. Novosibirsk, Nauka, Siberian Affiliate, 1991.

779. Skrynnikov, R. G. The Tragedy of Novgorod. Moscow, Sabashnikov, 1994.

780. Skrynnikov, R. G. Russia before the “Age of Turmoil.” Moscow, Mysl, 1981.

781. The Slavic Mythology. An Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Moscow, Ellis Luck, 1995.

781:0. Tsepkov, A., comp. The Slavic Chronicles, St. Petersburg, Glagol,1996.

781:1. A Dictionary of Russian Don Dialects, Vols. 1 and 2.
Rostov-on-Don, Rostov University Press, 1991.

782. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 1. Moscow, Nauka, 1975.

783. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries, Edition 2. Moscow, Nauka.

784. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries, Edition 3. Moscow, Nauka.

785. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 5. Moscow, Nauka.

786. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 6. Moscow, Nauka, 1979.

787. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 7. Moscow, Nauka, 1980.

788. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 8. Moscow, Nauka.

789. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries, Edition 11. Moscow, Nauka, 1986.

790. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 13. Moscow, Nauka, 1987.

791. Dictionary of the Russian Language in the XI-XVII centuries. Edition 19. Moscow, Nauka.

792. Smirnov, A. P. The Scythians. The USSR AS Institute of Archaeology. Moscow, Nauka, 1966.

793. Smirnov, F. Christian Liturgy in the First Three Centuries.
Kiev, 1874.

794. Soboleva, N. A. Russian Seals. Moscow, Nauka, 1991.

795. A Collection of State Edicts and Covenants. Moscow, 1894.

796. The Soviet Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Moscow, Sovetskaya Encyclopaedia, 1979.

797. The Soviet Encyclopaedic Dictionary. Moscow, Sovetskaya Encyclopaedia, 1984.

797:1. The Great Treasures of the World. Gianni Guadalupi, ed. Moscow, Astrel, AST, 2001. Italian original: I grandi tresori —Darte orafa dall antico egitto all XX secolo. Edizioni White Star, 1998.

798. Solovyov, V. Collected Works. Vol. 6. St. Petersburg, 1898.

799. Solovyov, S. M. Collected Works. Book 4, Vols. 7-8. Moscow, Mysl, 1989.

800. Solovyov, S. M. Collected Works. Book 6. Moscow, Mysl, 1991.

800:1. Solovyov, S. M. The History of the Ancient Russia. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1992.

801. Solonar, P. Most Probably Fiction... The Tekhnika i Nauka magazine, No. 4 (1983): 28-32.

802. The Reports of the Imperial Orthodox Society of Palestine.
April 1894. St. Petersburg, 1894.

803. Palamarchuk, Pyotr, comp. Fourty Times Fourty. A Concise Illustrated History of All the Churches in Moscow. 4 volumes. Moscow, Kniga i Biznes Ltd., Krom Ltd., 1995.

804. Sotnikova, M. P. The Oldest Russian Coins of the X-XI century. Catalogue and Study. Moscow, Banki i Birzhi, 1995.

805. The Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. A scheme. The Central Andrey Roublyov Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art. Moscow, MO Sintez, 1989.

806. Spasskiy, I. G. The Russian Monetary System. Leningrad, Avrora, 1970.

807. Spasskiy, I. G. The Russian “Yefimki.” A Study and a Catalogue. Novosibirsk, Nauka, Siberian Affiliation, 1988.

808. Speranskiy, M. N. Cryptography in Southern Slavic and Russian Literary Artefacts. Published in the Encyclopaedia of Slavic Philology series. Leningrad, 1929.

808:1. Spiridonov, A. M., and O. A. Yarovoy. The Valaam Monastery: from Apostle Andrew to Hegumen Innocent (Historical Essays of the Valaam Monastery). Moscow, Prometei, 1991.

809. Spirina, L. M. The Treasures of the Sergiev Posad State Reserve Museum of Art and History. Ancient Russian Arts and Crafts. Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhpoligraf, n.d.

810. Contentious Issues of Native History of the XI-XVIII century. Report theses and speeches of the first readings dedicated to the memory of A. A. Zimin. 13-18 May, 1990.
Moscow, The USSR AS, Moscow State Institute of Historical and Archival Science, 1990.

811. Brouyevich, N. G., ed. 220 Years of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1725-1945. Moscow-Leningrad, The USSR AS Press, 1945.

812. Mediaeval Decorative Stitching. Byzantium, the Balkans, Russia. Catalogue of an exhibition. The XVIII Int'l Congress of Byzantine Scholars. Moscow, 8-15 August, 1991.
Moscow, The USSR Ministry of Culture. State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin, 1991.

813. Sobolev, N. N., ed. The Old Moscow. Published by the Commission for the Studies of Old Moscow of the Imperial Archaeological Society of Russia. Issues 1, 2. Moscow, 1914 (Reprinted: Moscow, Stolitsa, 1993).

814. A Dictionary of Old Slavic (by the X-XI century Manuscripts). Moscow, Russkiy Yazyk, 1994.

815. Starostin, E. V. Russian History in Foreign Archives. Moscow, Vysshaya Shkola, 1994.

815:1. Stelletsky, I. Y. In Search of the Library of Ivan the Terrible. The Mysteries of Russian History series. Moscow, Sampo, 1999,

816. Stepanov, N. V. The New Style and the Orthodox Paschalia. Moscow, 1907.

817. Stepanov, N. V. The Calendarian and Chronological Reference Book (for the Solution of Chronographical Time Problems). Moscow, Synodal typography, 1915.

817:1. Pletneva, S. A., volume ed. The Eurasian Steppes in the Middle Ages. Collected works. In the USSR Archaeology series. B. A. Rybakov, general ed. Moscow, Nauka, 1981.

818. Stingl, Miloslav. Mysteries of the Indian Pyramids. Transl.
from Czech by I. O. Malevich. Moscow, Progress, 1982.

819. Strabo. Geography. Moscow, Ladomir, 1994. English edition: Jones, H.L. The Geography of Strabo. With an English translation. I-VIII. London, 1917-1932.

820. Builders of the Burial Mounds and Dwellers of the Caves.
The Extinct Civilizations encyclopaedia. Moscow, Terra, 1998. Translated from English by E. Krasoulin. Original edition: Time-Life Books BV, 1992.

821. Struyck, D. J. A Brief Account of the History of Mathematics. Moscow, Nauka, 1969.

821:1. Suzdalev, V. E. Kolomenskoye — “Memory for Ages.” Moscow, Praktik-A, 1993.

822. Sukina, L. B. History of Esther in the Russian Cultrure of the Second Half of the XVII century. Part of the compilation: Melnik, A. G., ed. History and Culture of the land of Rostov. 1998. Collected essays. Rostov, The Rostov Kremlin State Museum and Reserve, 1999.

823. Suleimanov, Olzhas. Az and Ya. Alma-Ata, Zhazushy, 1975.

823:1. Sukhoroukov, Alexander. From the History of Cards.
The Cards don’t Lie! The Bridge in Russia magazine, No. 1 (18) (2002), pp. 78-80. Moscow, Minuvsheye.

824. Sytin, P. V. From the History of Russian Streets. Moscow, Moskovskiy Rabochiy, 1958.

825. Sytin, P. V. The Toponymy of Russian Streets. Moscow, 1959.

826. Samuels, Ruth. Following the Paths of Hebraic History.
Moscow, Art-Business-Centre, 1993.

827. Tabov, Jordan. The Decline of Old Bulgaria. Sofia, Morang, 1997. Russian transl.: Moscow, Kraft and Lean, 2000.

828. Tabov, Jordan. The New Chronology of the Balkans. The Old Bulgaria. Sofia, PCM-1, 2000.

828:1. Tabov, Jordan. When did the Kiev Russia Become Baptized? St. Petersburg, Neva. Moscow, Olma, 2003.

829. Rakhmanliev, R., comp. Tamerlane. The Epoch. The Person. The Actions. Collected works. Moscow, Gourash, 1992.

830. Tantlevskiy, I. R. History and Ideology of the Qumran Community. St. Petersburg, the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies, 1994.

830:1. Tate, Georges. The Crusades. Moscow, Olimp, Astrel, Ast, 2003.

831. Tartarian-Russian Didactic Dictionary. Moscow, Russkiy Yazyk, 1992.

832. Tatishchev, V. N. Collected Works in Eight Volumes. Moscow, Ladomir, 1994-1996.

833. Tacitus, Cornelius. Collected Works. Vols. I, II. Leningrad, Nauka, 1969. English ed.: The Works of Tacitus. London, Cornelii Taciti Historiarum libri qui supersunt. Published by Dr. Carl Heraeus. 4th ed.: Leipzig, G. Teubner, 1885.

834. The Works of Maxim the Confessor. The ceuvres of the Holy Fathers in Russian translation. Vol. 69. The Moscow Seminary Academy, 1915.

835. The Works of Nicephor, the Archbischop of Constantinople.
Moscow, 1904.

836. The Works of Nile, the Holy Pilgrim of Sinai. The ceuvres of the Holy Fathers in Russian translation. Vols. 31-33. The Moscow Seminary Academy, 1858-1859.

837. The Works of St. Isidore the Pelusiote. The ceuvres of the Holy Fathers in Russian translation. Vols. 34-36. The Moscow Seminary Academy, 1859-1860.

838. Tvorogov, O. V. Ancient Russia: Events and People. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 1994.

839. Tvorogov, O. V. The Ryurikovichi Princes. Short Biographies. Moscow, Russkiy Mir, 1992.

840. Tereshchenko, Alexander. A Final Study of the Saray Region, with a Description of the Relics of the Desht-Kipchak Kingdom. Scientific Notes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, the Ist and 3rd Department. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg, 1854. 89-105.

841. Tikhomirov, M. N. Old Moscow. The XII-XV century.
Mediaeval Russia as the International Crossroads. XIVXV century. Moscow, Moskovskiy Rabochiy, 1992.

842. Tikhomirov, M. N. Russian Culture of the X-XIII century.
Moscow, 1968.

843. Tikhomirov, M. N. Mediaeval Moscow in the XIV-XV century. Moscow, 1957.

844. Tokmakoy, I. FE. A Historical and Archaeological Description of the Moscow Stauropigial Monastery of St. Simon.
Issues 1 and 2, Moscow, 1892-1896.

845. Lopukhin, A. P., ed. Explanatory Bible, or the Commentary to all of the Books of the Holy Writ, from both the Old and the New Covenant. Vols. 1-12. Petersburg, published by the heirs of A. P. Lopukhin, 1904-1913. (2nd edition: Stockholm, the Bible Translation Institute, 1987).

846. Toll, N. P. The Saviour’s Icon from K. T. Soldatenkov’s Collection. Moscow, 1933.

847. Tolochko, P. P. The Ancient Kiev. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1976.

848. Tolstaya, Tatyana. The River Okkerville. Short Stories.
Moscow, Podkova, 1999.

849. Troels-Lund, T. The Sky and the Weltanschauung in the Flux of Time. Odessa, 1912. German edition: Troels-Lund, T. Himmelsbild und Weltanschauung im Wandel der Zeiten. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1929.

850. Tronskiy, I. M. The History of Ancient Literature. Leningrad, Uchpedgiz, 1947.

850:1. Trofimov, Zhores. The N. M. Karamzin Memorial in Simbirsk. Known and Unknown Facts. Moscow, Rossia Molodaya, 1992.

851. Trojan Tales. Mediaeval Courteous Novels on the Trojan War by the Russian Chronicles of the XVI and XVII century. Leningrad: Nauka, 1972.

851:1. Thulsi Das. The Ramayana, or Ramacharitamanasa.
The Multitude of Rama’s Heroic Deeds. Translated from Hindi by Academician A. P. Barannikov. Moscow-Leningrad, The USSR AS, Institute of Oriental Studies. Published by the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1948.

852. Tunmann. The Khans of Crimea. Simferopol, Tavria, 1991.

853. Turaev, B. A. The History of the Ancient Orient. Moscow, Ogiz, 1936.

854. Shcheka, Y. V. The Turkish-Russian Dictionary. Abt. 18,000 words. 3rd stereotype edition. Moscow, Citadel, 2000.
855. Turkhan, Gian. Istanbul. Gate to the Orient. Istanbul, Orient, 1996 (in Russian).

855:1. Turkey. The Book of Wanderings. A Historical Guidebook. Moscow, Veche, Khartia, 2000.

856. A Millennium since the Baptism of Russia. The materials of the International Ecclesian and Historical Conference (Kiev, 21-28 July, 1986). Moscow, Moscow Patriarchy, 1988.

857. Ouzdennikoy, V. V. Russian Coins. 1700-1917. Moscow, Finances and Statistics, 1986.

857:1. The Ukrainian Books Printed in Cyrillics in the XVIXVII century. A catalogue of editions kept in the V. I. Lenin State Library of USSR. Issue I. 1574 — 2nd half of the XVII century. Moscow, The State V. I. Lenin Library of the Lenin Order. Rare books department. 1976.

858. The Streets of Moscow. A Reference Book. Moscow, Moskovskiy Rabochiy, 1980.

859. The Ural Meridian. Topical Itineraries. A Reference Guidebook. Chelyabinsk, The Southern Ural Press, 1986.

860. Ousanovich, M. I. The Scientific Foresight of N. A. Morozov. The Successes of Chemistry, Vol. 16, Issue 3 (1947).

861. Ouspensky, D. N. Modern Problems of Orthodox Theology.
The Moscow Patriarchy magazine, No. 9 (1962): 64-70.

862. The Writ. The Pentateuch of Moses (from the Genesis to the Revelation). Translation, introduction, and comments by I. S. Shifman. Moscow, Respublika, 1993.

863. Fyson, Nance. The Greatest Treasures of the World. An Atlas of the World’s Wonders. Moscow, Bertelsmann Media Moskau, 1996. Mondruck Graphische Betriebe GmbH, Giintherslau (Germany), 1996. Translated from the English edition published by AA Publishing (a trading name of Automobile Association Development Limited, whose registred office is Norfolk House, Priestly Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NY).

864. Falkovich, S. I. Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov, His Life and Works on Chemistry. The Priroda (Nature) magazine, No. 11 (1947).

865. Falkovich, S. I. Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov as a Chemist (1854-1946). The USSR AS Courier, Chemical Studies Department, No. 5 (1947).

866. Fasmer, M. An Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Vols. 1-4. Translated from German. Moscow, Progress, 1986-1987.

867. [Fedorov]. Ivan Fedorov [The Alphabet]. A facsimile edition. Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1974.

868. Fedorov, V. V., and A. T. Fomenko. Statistical Estimation of Chronological Nearness of Historical Texts. A collection of articles for the Problems of stochastic model stability magazine. Seminar works. The National System Research Institute, 1983. 101-107. English translation published in the Journal of Soviet Mathematics, Vol. 32, No. 6 (1986): 668-675.

869. Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. The Coins of the Muscovite Russia. Moscow, MSU Press, 1981.

870. Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. The Coins of the Nizhny Novgorod Principality. Moscow, MSU Press, 1989.

870:1. Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. Burial Mounds, Idols and Coins. Moscow, Nauka, 1968.

871. Fedorov-Davydov, G. A. Eight Centuries of Taciturnity.
The Nauka i Zhizn (Science and Life) magazine, No. 9 (1966): 74-76.

872. Fedorova, E. V. Latin Epigraphics. Moscow University Press, 1969.

873. Fedorova, E. V. Latin Graffiti. Moscow University Press, 1976.

874. Fedorova, E. V. Imperial Rome in Faces. Moscow University Press, 1979.

875. Fedorova, E. V. Rome, Florence, Venice. Historical and Cultural Monuments. Moscow University Press, 1985.

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1484. Wooley, L. Excavation at Ur. NY, 1955.

1485. Woronowa, Tamara, and Andrej Sterligov. Westeuropdische Buchmalerei des 8. bis 16. Jahrhunderts in der Russischen Nationalbibliothek, Sankt Petersburg. (Frankreich. Spanien. England. Deutschland. Italien. Niederlande).
Augsburg: Bechtermiinz. Genehmigte Lizenzausgabe fiir Weltbild Verlag, 2000. England, Parkstone/Aurora, 1996.

1486. Wright, G. E. Biblical Archaeology. Philadelphia, London, 1957.

1487. Altet, Xavier Barral. Compostelle de Grand Chemin. Découvertes Gallimard Réligions. Gallimard, 1993.

1488. Zadkiel. The Grammar of Astrology. London, J. Cornish, 1849.

1489. Zarnecki, George, Florence Deucher, and Irmgard Hutter. Neue Belser Stilgeschichte. Band IV. Romantik, Gotik, Byzanz. Stuttgard, Ziirich, Belser Verlag, 1986.

1490. Zech, J. Astronomische Untersuchungen iiber die wichtigeren Finsternisse, welche von den Schriftstellern des Klassischen Altertums erwahnt werden. Leipzig, 1853.

1491. Zeitenspriinge. Interdisziplinares Bulletin. Sonderdruck.
September 1996. Thema Absolutdatierung. Mantis Verlag, Germany.

1492. Zevi, B., E. Battisti, E. Garin, and L. Malle. Alberti. Enciclopedia universale dell’arte. Vol. I. Venezia, Roma, 1958.

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1 Anno 2 Mesi fa - 1 Anno 2 Mesi fa #50743 da alessandro.c
Risposta da alessandro.c al topic Nuova Cronologia
Allora @nomit, dimmi cosa ne pensi di Dante e di quando è vissuto.

Prima però senti questa.

Il recentista francese Didier La Capelle sostiene che il "vero" Virgilio fosse in realtà l'umanista Polidoro Virgili ( ).

Qualora Didier avesse ragione e Dante fosse stato un contemporaneo di poco posteriore, si potrebbe dire che questo Virgilio abbia ispirato sia Dante che, come dice wikipedia, nientepopòdimeno che William Shakespeare. Stiamo parlando dei due massimi poeti rispettivamente della lingua italiana e inglese. Oltretutto, come sostenuto da parecchi recentisti, il latino classico sarebbe una storpiatura del vero latino medievale e in tal caso Virgilio "Polidoro" avrebbe composto l'Eneide per, diciamo, immortalare e dare dignità a questa nuova lingua monca. Non è un caso che il primo lavoro di questo Polidoro fosse un'edizione della 'Cornucopiae latinae linguae'  di tal Niccolò Perotti ( ), guarda caso uno dei principali autori che si dedicarono a "ripulire" il latino dai medievalismi.

E' un caso che questo Virgilio si chiami Polidoro?!?!?
Ultima Modifica 1 Anno 2 Mesi fa da alessandro.c. Motivo: ortografia

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1 Anno 2 Mesi fa #50789 da Nomit
Risposta da Nomit al topic Nuova Cronologia

alessandro.c ha scritto: Il recentista francese Didier La Capelle sostiene che il "vero" Virgilio fosse in realtà l'umanista Polidoro Virgili

Bel sito. Dante era anche amico del poeta Giovanni del Virgilio.

Allora @nomit, dimmi cosa ne pensi di Dante e di quando è vissuto

Ok, ma è una mia ipotesi personale e la risposta è un po’ complessa. E la devo dividere in 3 post. E premetto che io sono un operaio stagionale messomalissimo che legge e scrive questo genere di cose per hobby, non un esperto di qualcosa.

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1 Anno 2 Mesi fa #50790 da Nomit
Risposta da Nomit al topic Nuova Cronologia
Oh muse, o alto complottismo, or m'aiutate. Dunque...

 - STEP 1 - 

Allora, la mia ipotesi parte dalla teoria di Andrej Stepanenko sul valore originale delle cifre romane:

I = 1
V = 4
X = 8
L = 32
C = 64  

Con questo sistema ottale i numeri cardinali dei secoli XV, XVI, XVII e XVIII diventano, letti in decimale, più piccoli. Cioè: 

secolo 18-esimo → secolo 15-esimo
secolo 17-esimo → secolo 14-esimo
secolo 16-esimo → secolo 13-esimo
secolo 15-esimo → secolo 12-esimo 

Il 18-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla cultura illuminista, dal neoclassicismo, dalla critica alla chiesa e dal disprezzo per il medioevo.
Il 15-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dal rinascimento, dall’umanesimo, dalla riscoperta della cultura classica, dal disprezzo per il medioevo.
Rimangono fuori dal parallelismo la caduta dell’Impero d’Oriente e la riconquista spagnola. 

Il 17-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla crisi economica, dalla peste, da rivolte e rivoluzioni, dalla caccia alle streghe, dalla guerra; è stato chiamato “il secolo del soldato” e contiene la guerra dei trent’anni.
Il 14-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla peste nera, dalle carestie, dalle rivolte contadine, dalla caccia a streghe ed ebrei e contiene la guerra dei cent’anni.
Restano fuori le vicende dei templari e la cattività avignonese.

Il 16-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla crescita demografica, da grandi scoperte geografiche, dalle guerre di religione, dalla controriforma.
Il 13-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dall’apice della civiltà comunale, dai viaggi di Marco Polo, dalle tensioni religiose tra la chiesa e gli ordini ereticali. 

Il 15-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla caduta di Costantinopoli e dalla riconquista spagnola.
Il 12-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalle crociate.

Il 14-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla cattività avignonese, cominciata con lo scontro tra il papa ed il re di Francia.
L’11-esimo secolo fu caratterizzato dalla lotta tra papato ed impero. 

(Resta sempre fuori la persecuzione dei templari)

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1 Anno 2 Mesi fa #50791 da Nomit
Risposta da Nomit al topic Nuova Cronologia
- STEP 2 -

Mi ispirava particolarmente la somiglianza tra i secoli diciassettesimo e quattordicesimo, per cui ho ipotizzato che la Grande Peste e la peste manzoniana (1348 e 1630) fossero lo stesso evento sdoppiato e separato da 282 anni. Quarantotto anni prima di entrambi gli eventi veniva promulgata una bolla riguardante "gli anni": nel 1582 la riforma gregoriana, nel 1300 l’istituzione del primo anno santo; entrambe le bolle contengono un riferimento agli anni multipli di 100, in una perché non si contano come bisestili, nell’altra perché vi si celebrano i Giubilei. Gli autori di entrambe le bolle, Bonifacio X e Gregorio XIII, muoiono entrambi tre anni dopo. In entrambi gli anni muoiono due mistiche: Maifreda da Pirovano nel 1300 (ispirò il tarocco della papessa) e Teresa D’Avila nel 1582.

Così ho cercato su Wikipedia gli eventi anno per anno partendo dal 1300 e dal 1582. Per alcuni eventi importantissimi non ho trovato doppioni (cattività avignonese, persecuzione dei templari), ma per molti altri ne ho trovati di molto suggestivi. 

1300 - istituzione del primo anno santo
+282= 1582 – riforma del calendario 

1321 – eccidio dei lebbrosi in Francia
+282 = 1603 – epidemia di peste in Inghilterra 

1337 - scoppia la guerra dei cent’anni
+281 = 1618 – scoppia la guerra dei trent’anni 

1348 – grande epidemia di peste in tutta l’Europa
+282 = 1630 – peste manzoniana in Nord-Italia 

1349 – terremoti in Centro Italia
+282 = 1631 – grande eruzione del Vesuvio 

1358 -rivolte contadine in Francia
+282 = 1640 – a partire da quest’anno si verificano rivolte contadine un po’ ovunque 

1365 – forte terremoto a Bologna
+281 = 1646 – forte terremoto nel Gargano 

1380 - muore la mistica Caterina di Siena
+281 = 1661 - muore la mistica Benedetta Carlini 

1381 – eruzione dell’Etna
+280 = 1669 - anno della più imponente eruzione dell'Etna in epoca storica 

1397 – unione di Kalmar tra i regni scandinavi
+282 = 1679 - Pace di Lund tra i regni scandinavi 

1407 – ribellione del duca di Kildare in Inghilterra
+281 = 1688 - rivoluzione gloriosa in Inghilterra 

Alcuni di questi eventi suggeriscono un’interpretazione completamente diversa del loro doppione: 

1306 - esilio degli ebrei dalla Francia
+282 = 1588 - Francis Drake sconfigge l'Invincibile Armata 
… in Spagna scorre il fiume EBRO, quindi spagnoli = ebrei (abitanti dell’Ebro) e Francis = Francia.

1378 - tumulto dei ciompi
+ 282 = 1660 - forte terremoto in Italia Centrale 

1385 – unione di Krewo tra Polonia e Lituania
+282 = 1667 – prima trasfusione di sangue
… KREW in polacco significa SANGUE, come e KRAUJAS in lituano e CRUOR in latino; quindi “Unione di Krewo” è “unione di sangue”. 

1401 - il parlamento inglese concede alla chiesa il diritto di bruciare gli eretici
+277 = 1679 - Il parlamento inglese emana la legge Habeas Corpus
… certo, habeas il corpus degli eretici per bruciarli.

Ci sono poi degli eventi che sembrano uno la naturale conseguenza dell’altro: 

1309 – scomunica di Venezia
+ 297 = 1606 – interdetto papale su Venezia 

1315 – piogge continue provocano tre anni di carestia
+283 = 1597 – il Tevere raggiunge il livello di piena più alto mai registrato 

1339 – secondo ciclo di carestie del secolo
+289 = 1528 – a Milano ha luogo la rivolta del pane 

1348 – un terremoto devasta il Friuli
+281 = 1629 – grave carestia in Friuli 

1378 – scisma d’occidente
+294 = 1666 – scisma della chiesa russa 


1519 – muore Leonardo Da Vinci
+282 = 1801 – muore Leonardo de Vegni, architetto, inventore, disegnatore e poeta
… di conseguenza non sarebbero passati secoli tra gli appunti di Leonardo sul volo e sull’ottica e l’invenzione degli aerei e della fotografia.  

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1 Anno 2 Mesi fa #50792 da Nomit
Risposta da Nomit al topic Nuova Cronologia

A questo punto ho ipotizzato che Dante fosse vissuto nel 16-esimo secolo e nato e morto 282 anni dopo le date che conosciamo. Per verificarlo mi sono concentrato su questo passaggio della Vita Nuova: 

“questo numero [il 9] fue amico di lei [Beatrice] per dare ad intendere che ne la sua generazione tutti e nove li mobili cieli perfettissimamente s'aveano insieme” 

Bene, nel 1524 avvenne effettivamente una grande congiunzione planetaria, prevista dagli astronomi che profetizzarono diluvi e altre sciagure.

Il 1524 dovrebbe corrispondere al 1242, tuttavia questo numero precede di qualche anno quella che dovrebbe essere l’anno di nascita di Beatrice, che è 1266 secondo la storia ufficiale e 1250 secondo me (perché guardando i video di Barbero usciti nel 2021 per il settecentenario della morte ho appreso che ci sono delle incongruenze tra questa data ed alcuni documenti coevi, così ho letto la Vita Nuova ed il Convivio e, facendo dei calcoli, ho ipotizzato che sia nato nel 1249; ne ho parlato del topic “la storia nascosta”). 

Nel maggio/giugno 1266 (perché sia Beatrice sia Dante nacquero in maggio o giugno) sulla carta del cielo i pianeti sono in fila uno vicino all’altro, ma si tratta comunque di una fila che va da Marte in Ariete fino a Giove in Gemelli, quindi non qualcosa di perfettissimo. Curiosamente anche il 1532 (282 + 1250) ha una situazione simile in giugno, ma manca Giove che si trova isolato in Scorpione.
Non ho voglia di mettere le immagini, usate questo sito per verificare (tenete conto che la Luna si sposta velocemente). 

Può essere quindi che Dante si riferisse alla congiunzione del 1524, quindi l’espressione “ne la sua generazione” vuol dire “durante la nostra ggenerazione di noi ggiovani”, oppure davvero nacque nel 1524 e quindi Dante nacque nel 1523 che diventa il 1241. In quest’ultimo caso, Dante potrebbe corrispondere ad un tale Adenet le Roi, poeta soprannominato “il re dei menestrelli”, attivo a Parigi, nelle Fiandre ed in Italia, tutti luoghi che Dante conosceva e citava, e di cui forse conosceva anche la lingua (aleppe = help).

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