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Connessione tra 5G e Criptovaluta
4 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 4 Anni 7 Mesi fa #38823
da jan76
Connessione tra 5G e Criptovaluta è stato creato da jan76
Salve a tutti del forum, non ho trovato una sezione relativa alla finanza, alle criptovalute o al 5G, quindi posterò in questa, poi potrete eventualmente spostare la discussione.
Stamattina ho avuto modo di dialogare con una tipa su WhatsApp residente a Hong Kong, città come tutti sappiamo al centro della scena internazionale a causa delle nuove leggi cinesi sulla sicurezza. E' già da qualche tempo infatti che, in seguito ad essermi iscritto ad una chat online che promuove il dialogo con gente di tutti i paesi del mondo (questo è lo scopo della chat) ho ricevuto diverse richieste da parte di donne di nazionalità cinese o hongkonghese che, con la scusa dell'amicizia, vogliono il numero WhatsApp al fine di poter continuare la conversazione.
Quindi, in seguito ad alcune domande di rito per fare conoscenza reciproca, queste donne, tutte sulla trentina, introducono il loro lavoro, che consiste nell'investimento finanziario. Cosa d'altronde normale dal momento che esse vivono ad Hong Kong e che Hong Kong è uno dei maggiori centri finanziari mondiali.
Nonostante però sia stato contattato da diverse investitrici, più o meno professioniste, benché fossero quasi tutte interessate a farmi investire in criptovaluta, finora non mi ero ancora imbattuto in alcuna che mi avesse parlato di una connessione tra criptovaluta e 5g.
Non so se qualcuno di voi ne abbia già parlato, ma da quello che mi risulta sembra di no.
Riporto comunque qui sotto la conversazione.
28/06/20, 12:52 - Gianluca: Hi, how are you?
29/06/20, 09:04 - Kelley: Yes, I am fine
29/06/20, 09:04 - Kelley: What are you doing right now
29/06/20, 10:16 - Gianluca: I'm having a coffee
29/06/20, 10:24 - Kelley: My work was very busy this morning, I participated in several meetings. Now I just had lunch, how is your work today?
29/06/20, 10:27 - Gianluca: I'm having a coffee right now
29/06/20, 10:27 - Gianluca: IMG-20200629-WA0001.jpg (file allegato)
29/06/20, 10:31 - Kelley: I'm going home now and operating the investment market at home
29/06/20, 10:32 - Kelley: Because I got news from my uncle, tomorrow I have to invest from 0.26 to 0.4 US dollars, which almost doubled the profit\
29/06/20, 10:33 - Gianluca: Have a good business then
29/06/20, 10:33 - Kelley: This is a global product I invested in
29/06/20, 10:34 - Kelley: Because it’s the internal purchase stage
29/06/20, 10:34 - Gianluca: Ok
29/06/20, 10:35 - Kelley: What do you invest in
29/06/20, 10:36 - Gianluca: I'm not investing
29/06/20, 10:37 - Kelley: alright, I got it
29/06/20, 10:37 - Kelley: Are you working today
29/06/20, 10:38 - Gianluca: I'm not working
29/06/20, 10:38 - Kelley: Are you unemployed because of the virus?
29/06/20, 10:40 - Gianluca: I was looking for, for true. Then has come the virus
29/06/20, 10:40 - Kelley: Yes this is unfortunate, then you are not making money at home now, which is very dangerous
29/06/20, 10:41 - Kelley: What are your plans for the future
29/06/20, 10:42 - Gianluca: Find a job of course, then I'll see
29/06/20, 10:43 - Kelley: If this is the case, I think you might as well invest at home and make money
29/06/20, 10:44 - Kelley: Now it’s dangerous outside, there is a possibility of getting infected, it’s better to work at home
29/06/20, 10:46 - Gianluca: Of course
29/06/20, 10:47 - Gianluca: But italians are not good as private investors
29/06/20, 10:48 - Kelley: But only then can you make money
29/06/20, 10:48 - Kelley: We all need money now, don’t we?
29/06/20, 10:50 - Gianluca: Of course
29/06/20, 10:52 - Kelley: Yes, since there is nothing to do at home now, why not learn a way to make money yourself?
29/06/20, 10:53 - Gianluca: I already tried to invest in the past
29/06/20, 10:53 - Kelley: Really? What did you invest in?
29/06/20, 10:54 - Gianluca: Forex
29/06/20, 10:54 - Gianluca: And options
29/06/20, 10:54 - Kelley: This is a very risky investment, not a good project
29/06/20, 10:55 - Kelley: How much did you invest to make money?
29/06/20, 10:55 - Gianluca: Just few money for true
29/06/20, 10:55 - Gianluca: It has been a trial
29/06/20, 10:56 - Kelley: Yes, the most important thing you need to know about investing is inside information. Investing without news is like gambling.
29/06/20, 10:56 - Kelley: Do you know Buffett
29/06/20, 10:57 - Gianluca: I know..do you work for him?
29/06/20, 10:59 - Kelley: No, I just want to say that when Buffett succeeded, he also invested through news
29/06/20, 11:00 - Kelley: It can be said that the most important investment is news, which allows you to accumulate a lot of wealth in a short time
29/06/20, 11:02 - Gianluca: I know..I was reading news through a site
29/06/20, 11:03 - Gianluca: But were pubblic news
29/06/20, 11:03 - Gianluca: *public
29/06/20, 11:07 - Kelley: If you know everything, you will not make money, and it will always be a few people who make money
29/06/20, 11:08 - Kelley: As my current investment, this is what my uncle told me, very few people know, so that they can make money
29/06/20, 11:09 - Gianluca: Ok, so just few people can become rich..I know that
29/06/20, 11:10 - Kelley: Yes this is the world we live in, it's cruel
29/06/20, 11:11 - Gianluca: Let's say so
29/06/20, 11:12 - Kelley: But I think you have enough time now, you can make money by investing again, just like Buffett
29/06/20, 11:12 - Kelley: I can share a little investment news with you
29/06/20, 11:13 - Kelley: Hope this helps you
29/06/20, 11:13 - Gianluca: Ok let me see
29/06/20, 11:15 - Kelley: Do you know the current 5G communication technology
29/06/20, 11:15 - Kelley: Because of the virus, the development speed of 5G has already produced expectations
29/06/20, 11:15 - Kelley: So my advice to you is to invest in 5G
29/06/20, 11:16 - Kelley: This is much safer than the foreign exchange market, earning more or less is not necessarily, but at least it will not lose money
29/06/20, 11:17 - Gianluca: Do you mean in company's stock?
29/06/20, 11:17 - Gianluca: As Huawei?
29/06/20, 11:17 - Kelley: Almost, but I’m investing in cryptocurrency GSM
29/06/20, 11:18 - Kelley: Full name of global network communication technology
29/06/20, 11:18 - Kelley: This is a message from my uncle, my uncle's bank participated in the issuance of this project
29/06/20, 11:19 - Gianluca: What's the connection between 5g and criptocurrency?
29/06/20, 11:20 - Kelley: The GSM cryptocurrency was jointly issued by the Bank of China and the world's four largest banks, and it has risen with the development of 5G
29/06/20, 11:20 - Kelley: In other words, the development of 5G will affect the price of GSM
29/06/20, 11:22 - Gianluca: I don't understand in which way..
29/06/20, 11:23 - Kelley: Because this is a cryptocurrency issued by 5G communication technology
29/06/20, 11:23 - Gianluca: So all it will be paid with criptocurrency in the future, connecting with 5g network?
29/06/20, 11:23 - Kelley: Don't you understand?
29/06/20, 11:23 - Kelley: Don't you understand?
29/06/20, 11:24 - Gianluca: Explain me please
29/06/20, 11:25 - Kelley: This is not, it can be paid like currency, but it can replace paper money to some extent
29/06/20, 11:26 - Kelley: Because now the world does not recognize the currency attributes of cryptocurrencies, but the Fed has already admitted that the investment attributes of cryptocurrencies
29/06/20, 11:27 - Gianluca: So in the future the normal currency could be totally replaced
29/06/20, 11:27 - Kelley: It’s like if you bought a painting at the auction with money. Then this painting is not money, but you sold it. That’s money.
29/06/20, 11:28 - Kelley: Yes, but I dare not guarantee this, as far as the current attitudes of various countries towards cryptocurrencies are concerned, it will be sooner or later
29/06/20, 11:28 - Kelley: Every country has issued cryptocurrencies now, and even the Fed has issued its own currency USDT
29/06/20, 11:29 - Gianluca: It needs just another pandemy..
29/06/20, 11:29 - Kelley: I have something to do now
29/06/20, 11:29 - Kelley: Chat at night
29/06/20, 11:30 - Gianluca: Ok, see you
29/06/20, 11:30 - Kelley: I'm going out
29/06/20, 11:30 - Kelley: Yes, if you are interested, you can learn about Bitcoin online
29/06/20, 11:31 - Gianluca: Ok, see you
29/06/20, 12:47 - Kelley: I'm home now, are you studying on your own
29/06/20, 13:13 - Gianluca: I'm reading on internet some news
29/06/20, 13:15 - Kelley: Do you know the story of Bitcoin Pizza
29/06/20, 13:16 - Gianluca: Bitcoin pizza? What's that?
29/06/20, 13:20 - Kelley: In 2010, the price of bitcoin was only $0.004.At that time, a computer enthusiast could dig up thousands of bitcoins every day, but at that time, bitcoin was not popular yet.He suddenly wondered whether he could use bitcoin to buy things. So he said on the forum that he wanted to exchange 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas, but knowing that on the fourth day, someone bought two pizzas for 25 dollars and exchanged 10,000 bitcoins with him.The last transaction date was May 22, This day is also defined as Bitcoin Pizza Day
29/06/20, 13:22 - Kelley: However, this person did not expect that the price of Bitcoin has risen to 19,800 US dollars when the price of Bitcoin is the highest. This pizza has also become a sky-high pizza. I believe he also regrets it.
29/06/20, 13:26 - Gianluca: Was bitcoin price so low on the 2010? I don't remember that
29/06/20, 13:27 - Gianluca: Yes, I've seen
29/06/20, 13:30 - Kelley: Yes, bitcoin came out in 2009, and few people knew about bitcoin at the beginning
29/06/20, 13:31 - Kelley: If you bought 10,000 USD of Bitcoin in 2010, you can think of the current profit
29/06/20, 13:39 - Gianluca: Of course, but we can't know in advance
29/06/20, 13:41 - Kelley: In 2017, I started buying bitcoin from $4,000.In just one month, the bitcoin price rose to $12,000, and I made three times the profit.
29/06/20, 13:42 - Kelley: Although it has risen to 19,800 US dollars later, my uncle said that he will close when he sees the benefits, so it is not too early to sell
29/06/20, 13:46 - Gianluca: So you think bitcoins price will go down in the next future
29/06/20, 13:46 - Kelley: No, I think Bitcoin is not suitable for investment now, I am investing in a new type of cryptocurrency now
29/06/20, 13:47 - Kelley: My uncle is the vice president of Bank of China, and Bank of China participated in the issuance of a new cryptocurrency
29/06/20, 13:48 - Kelley: I am investing now
29/06/20, 13:53 - Gianluca: I got it
29/06/20, 13:56 - Kelley: I could have nothing from when I graduated, and now I have my own company, real estate, thanks to the help my uncle gave me
29/06/20, 13:57 - Gianluca: I'm happy for you
29/06/20, 13:57 - Gianluca: STK-20200629-WA0000.webp (file allegato)
29/06/20, 13:58 - Kelley: Yes, I am lucky in investing because I have a good uncle who can help me
29/06/20, 14:01 - Gianluca: Good for you..I don't have any uncle working in finance
29/06/20, 14:05 - Kelley: Haha, you answered too humorously
29/06/20, 14:06 - Kelley: If you want to make a sideline to make money, I will share with you the investment news
29/06/20, 14:07 - Gianluca: Unfortunately actually I don't have enough money to invest
29/06/20, 14:07 - Gianluca: Sorry for that
29/06/20, 14:08 - Kelley: Haha, just like when I just graduated from school, I had no money, but I made a lot of income in just one year by investing with my uncle
29/06/20, 14:09 - Kelley: No money is not the most important thing, the important thing is whether you have a self-motivated
29/06/20, 14:09 - Gianluca: I think too
29/06/20, 14:11 - Kelley: So, since fate made us meet, I will help you and teach you how to invest
29/06/20, 14:20 - Gianluca: If you want
29/06/20, 14:21 - Kelley: If you are a motivated person, I will consider sharing the investment news with you
29/06/20, 14:24 - Gianluca: Ok
29/06/20, 14:27 - Kelley: Are you busy now?
29/06/20, 14:29 - Gianluca: I'm reading on internet
29/06/20, 14:30 - Kelley: Are you using a computer
29/06/20, 14:32 - Gianluca: Yes
29/06/20, 14:33 - Kelley: bbaecrypto.co
29/06/20, 14:34 - Kelley: This is the official platform issued by NGN
29/06/20, 14:34 - Kelley: Maybe I can help you
29/06/20, 14:36 - Gianluca: I see
29/06/20, 14:37 - Kelley: You open it, I teach you how to check the NGN market
29/06/20, 14:38 - Gianluca: I'm in front of
29/06/20, 14:40 - Kelley: If you can't find it, give me a screenshot and I will help you
29/06/20, 14:41 - Gianluca: I'm seeing BTCUSD
29/06/20, 14:42 - Kelley: Yes, the price of BTC is high now
29/06/20, 14:42 - Kelley: Screenshot to me
29/06/20, 14:42 - Kelley: Take a picture for me, did you find NGNUSDT?
29/06/20, 14:44 - Gianluca: wait
29/06/20, 14:45 - Kelley: what
29/06/20, 14:45 - Gianluca: IMG-20200629-WA0005.jpg (file allegato)
29/06/20, 14:47 - Kelley: bbaecrypto.co/bbdetail/NGNUSDT
29/06/20, 14:47 - Kelley: Open it and you will see
29/06/20, 14:48 - Gianluca: what's Ngn?
29/06/20, 14:50 - Kelley: NGN is the next generation communication network jointly issued by Bank of China and the world's four largest banks
29/06/20, 14:50 - Kelley: Do you see the market trend of NGN now?
29/06/20, 14:51 - Gianluca: I'm watching..what's does it mean NGN?
29/06/20, 14:53 - Gianluca: I mean, the full name?
29/06/20, 14:53 - Kelley: This is an integral part of the 5G network, so it will rise rapidly with the development of 5G
29/06/20, 14:53 - Kelley: Next Generation Network
29/06/20, 14:54 - Gianluca: Ok
29/06/20, 14:54 - Kelley: You can use Wikipedia
29/06/20, 14:54 - Gianluca: Listen, I should go to buy food at supermarket right now..thanks for the explainations...I'll chat again with you later
29/06/20, 14:58 - Kelley: Ok classmate ahaha
Stamattina ho avuto modo di dialogare con una tipa su WhatsApp residente a Hong Kong, città come tutti sappiamo al centro della scena internazionale a causa delle nuove leggi cinesi sulla sicurezza. E' già da qualche tempo infatti che, in seguito ad essermi iscritto ad una chat online che promuove il dialogo con gente di tutti i paesi del mondo (questo è lo scopo della chat) ho ricevuto diverse richieste da parte di donne di nazionalità cinese o hongkonghese che, con la scusa dell'amicizia, vogliono il numero WhatsApp al fine di poter continuare la conversazione.
Quindi, in seguito ad alcune domande di rito per fare conoscenza reciproca, queste donne, tutte sulla trentina, introducono il loro lavoro, che consiste nell'investimento finanziario. Cosa d'altronde normale dal momento che esse vivono ad Hong Kong e che Hong Kong è uno dei maggiori centri finanziari mondiali.
Nonostante però sia stato contattato da diverse investitrici, più o meno professioniste, benché fossero quasi tutte interessate a farmi investire in criptovaluta, finora non mi ero ancora imbattuto in alcuna che mi avesse parlato di una connessione tra criptovaluta e 5g.
Non so se qualcuno di voi ne abbia già parlato, ma da quello che mi risulta sembra di no.
Riporto comunque qui sotto la conversazione.
28/06/20, 12:52 - Gianluca: Hi, how are you?
29/06/20, 09:04 - Kelley: Yes, I am fine
29/06/20, 09:04 - Kelley: What are you doing right now
29/06/20, 10:16 - Gianluca: I'm having a coffee
29/06/20, 10:24 - Kelley: My work was very busy this morning, I participated in several meetings. Now I just had lunch, how is your work today?
29/06/20, 10:27 - Gianluca: I'm having a coffee right now
29/06/20, 10:27 - Gianluca: IMG-20200629-WA0001.jpg (file allegato)
29/06/20, 10:31 - Kelley: I'm going home now and operating the investment market at home
29/06/20, 10:32 - Kelley: Because I got news from my uncle, tomorrow I have to invest from 0.26 to 0.4 US dollars, which almost doubled the profit\
29/06/20, 10:33 - Gianluca: Have a good business then
29/06/20, 10:33 - Kelley: This is a global product I invested in
29/06/20, 10:34 - Kelley: Because it’s the internal purchase stage
29/06/20, 10:34 - Gianluca: Ok
29/06/20, 10:35 - Kelley: What do you invest in
29/06/20, 10:36 - Gianluca: I'm not investing
29/06/20, 10:37 - Kelley: alright, I got it
29/06/20, 10:37 - Kelley: Are you working today
29/06/20, 10:38 - Gianluca: I'm not working
29/06/20, 10:38 - Kelley: Are you unemployed because of the virus?
29/06/20, 10:40 - Gianluca: I was looking for, for true. Then has come the virus
29/06/20, 10:40 - Kelley: Yes this is unfortunate, then you are not making money at home now, which is very dangerous
29/06/20, 10:41 - Kelley: What are your plans for the future
29/06/20, 10:42 - Gianluca: Find a job of course, then I'll see
29/06/20, 10:43 - Kelley: If this is the case, I think you might as well invest at home and make money
29/06/20, 10:44 - Kelley: Now it’s dangerous outside, there is a possibility of getting infected, it’s better to work at home
29/06/20, 10:46 - Gianluca: Of course
29/06/20, 10:47 - Gianluca: But italians are not good as private investors
29/06/20, 10:48 - Kelley: But only then can you make money
29/06/20, 10:48 - Kelley: We all need money now, don’t we?
29/06/20, 10:50 - Gianluca: Of course
29/06/20, 10:52 - Kelley: Yes, since there is nothing to do at home now, why not learn a way to make money yourself?
29/06/20, 10:53 - Gianluca: I already tried to invest in the past
29/06/20, 10:53 - Kelley: Really? What did you invest in?
29/06/20, 10:54 - Gianluca: Forex
29/06/20, 10:54 - Gianluca: And options
29/06/20, 10:54 - Kelley: This is a very risky investment, not a good project
29/06/20, 10:55 - Kelley: How much did you invest to make money?
29/06/20, 10:55 - Gianluca: Just few money for true
29/06/20, 10:55 - Gianluca: It has been a trial
29/06/20, 10:56 - Kelley: Yes, the most important thing you need to know about investing is inside information. Investing without news is like gambling.
29/06/20, 10:56 - Kelley: Do you know Buffett
29/06/20, 10:57 - Gianluca: I know..do you work for him?
29/06/20, 10:59 - Kelley: No, I just want to say that when Buffett succeeded, he also invested through news
29/06/20, 11:00 - Kelley: It can be said that the most important investment is news, which allows you to accumulate a lot of wealth in a short time
29/06/20, 11:02 - Gianluca: I know..I was reading news through a site
29/06/20, 11:03 - Gianluca: But were pubblic news
29/06/20, 11:03 - Gianluca: *public
29/06/20, 11:07 - Kelley: If you know everything, you will not make money, and it will always be a few people who make money
29/06/20, 11:08 - Kelley: As my current investment, this is what my uncle told me, very few people know, so that they can make money
29/06/20, 11:09 - Gianluca: Ok, so just few people can become rich..I know that
29/06/20, 11:10 - Kelley: Yes this is the world we live in, it's cruel
29/06/20, 11:11 - Gianluca: Let's say so
29/06/20, 11:12 - Kelley: But I think you have enough time now, you can make money by investing again, just like Buffett
29/06/20, 11:12 - Kelley: I can share a little investment news with you
29/06/20, 11:13 - Kelley: Hope this helps you
29/06/20, 11:13 - Gianluca: Ok let me see
29/06/20, 11:15 - Kelley: Do you know the current 5G communication technology
29/06/20, 11:15 - Kelley: Because of the virus, the development speed of 5G has already produced expectations
29/06/20, 11:15 - Kelley: So my advice to you is to invest in 5G
29/06/20, 11:16 - Kelley: This is much safer than the foreign exchange market, earning more or less is not necessarily, but at least it will not lose money
29/06/20, 11:17 - Gianluca: Do you mean in company's stock?
29/06/20, 11:17 - Gianluca: As Huawei?
29/06/20, 11:17 - Kelley: Almost, but I’m investing in cryptocurrency GSM
29/06/20, 11:18 - Kelley: Full name of global network communication technology
29/06/20, 11:18 - Kelley: This is a message from my uncle, my uncle's bank participated in the issuance of this project
29/06/20, 11:19 - Gianluca: What's the connection between 5g and criptocurrency?
29/06/20, 11:20 - Kelley: The GSM cryptocurrency was jointly issued by the Bank of China and the world's four largest banks, and it has risen with the development of 5G
29/06/20, 11:20 - Kelley: In other words, the development of 5G will affect the price of GSM
29/06/20, 11:22 - Gianluca: I don't understand in which way..
29/06/20, 11:23 - Kelley: Because this is a cryptocurrency issued by 5G communication technology
29/06/20, 11:23 - Gianluca: So all it will be paid with criptocurrency in the future, connecting with 5g network?
29/06/20, 11:23 - Kelley: Don't you understand?
29/06/20, 11:23 - Kelley: Don't you understand?
29/06/20, 11:24 - Gianluca: Explain me please
29/06/20, 11:25 - Kelley: This is not, it can be paid like currency, but it can replace paper money to some extent
29/06/20, 11:26 - Kelley: Because now the world does not recognize the currency attributes of cryptocurrencies, but the Fed has already admitted that the investment attributes of cryptocurrencies
29/06/20, 11:27 - Gianluca: So in the future the normal currency could be totally replaced
29/06/20, 11:27 - Kelley: It’s like if you bought a painting at the auction with money. Then this painting is not money, but you sold it. That’s money.
29/06/20, 11:28 - Kelley: Yes, but I dare not guarantee this, as far as the current attitudes of various countries towards cryptocurrencies are concerned, it will be sooner or later
29/06/20, 11:28 - Kelley: Every country has issued cryptocurrencies now, and even the Fed has issued its own currency USDT
29/06/20, 11:29 - Gianluca: It needs just another pandemy..
29/06/20, 11:29 - Kelley: I have something to do now
29/06/20, 11:29 - Kelley: Chat at night
29/06/20, 11:30 - Gianluca: Ok, see you
29/06/20, 11:30 - Kelley: I'm going out
29/06/20, 11:30 - Kelley: Yes, if you are interested, you can learn about Bitcoin online
29/06/20, 11:31 - Gianluca: Ok, see you
29/06/20, 12:47 - Kelley: I'm home now, are you studying on your own
29/06/20, 13:13 - Gianluca: I'm reading on internet some news
29/06/20, 13:15 - Kelley: Do you know the story of Bitcoin Pizza
29/06/20, 13:16 - Gianluca: Bitcoin pizza? What's that?
29/06/20, 13:20 - Kelley: In 2010, the price of bitcoin was only $0.004.At that time, a computer enthusiast could dig up thousands of bitcoins every day, but at that time, bitcoin was not popular yet.He suddenly wondered whether he could use bitcoin to buy things. So he said on the forum that he wanted to exchange 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas, but knowing that on the fourth day, someone bought two pizzas for 25 dollars and exchanged 10,000 bitcoins with him.The last transaction date was May 22, This day is also defined as Bitcoin Pizza Day
29/06/20, 13:22 - Kelley: However, this person did not expect that the price of Bitcoin has risen to 19,800 US dollars when the price of Bitcoin is the highest. This pizza has also become a sky-high pizza. I believe he also regrets it.
29/06/20, 13:26 - Gianluca: Was bitcoin price so low on the 2010? I don't remember that
29/06/20, 13:27 - Gianluca: Yes, I've seen
29/06/20, 13:30 - Kelley: Yes, bitcoin came out in 2009, and few people knew about bitcoin at the beginning
29/06/20, 13:31 - Kelley: If you bought 10,000 USD of Bitcoin in 2010, you can think of the current profit
29/06/20, 13:39 - Gianluca: Of course, but we can't know in advance
29/06/20, 13:41 - Kelley: In 2017, I started buying bitcoin from $4,000.In just one month, the bitcoin price rose to $12,000, and I made three times the profit.
29/06/20, 13:42 - Kelley: Although it has risen to 19,800 US dollars later, my uncle said that he will close when he sees the benefits, so it is not too early to sell
29/06/20, 13:46 - Gianluca: So you think bitcoins price will go down in the next future
29/06/20, 13:46 - Kelley: No, I think Bitcoin is not suitable for investment now, I am investing in a new type of cryptocurrency now
29/06/20, 13:47 - Kelley: My uncle is the vice president of Bank of China, and Bank of China participated in the issuance of a new cryptocurrency
29/06/20, 13:48 - Kelley: I am investing now
29/06/20, 13:53 - Gianluca: I got it
29/06/20, 13:56 - Kelley: I could have nothing from when I graduated, and now I have my own company, real estate, thanks to the help my uncle gave me
29/06/20, 13:57 - Gianluca: I'm happy for you
29/06/20, 13:57 - Gianluca: STK-20200629-WA0000.webp (file allegato)
29/06/20, 13:58 - Kelley: Yes, I am lucky in investing because I have a good uncle who can help me
29/06/20, 14:01 - Gianluca: Good for you..I don't have any uncle working in finance
29/06/20, 14:05 - Kelley: Haha, you answered too humorously
29/06/20, 14:06 - Kelley: If you want to make a sideline to make money, I will share with you the investment news
29/06/20, 14:07 - Gianluca: Unfortunately actually I don't have enough money to invest
29/06/20, 14:07 - Gianluca: Sorry for that
29/06/20, 14:08 - Kelley: Haha, just like when I just graduated from school, I had no money, but I made a lot of income in just one year by investing with my uncle
29/06/20, 14:09 - Kelley: No money is not the most important thing, the important thing is whether you have a self-motivated
29/06/20, 14:09 - Gianluca: I think too
29/06/20, 14:11 - Kelley: So, since fate made us meet, I will help you and teach you how to invest
29/06/20, 14:20 - Gianluca: If you want
29/06/20, 14:21 - Kelley: If you are a motivated person, I will consider sharing the investment news with you
29/06/20, 14:24 - Gianluca: Ok
29/06/20, 14:27 - Kelley: Are you busy now?
29/06/20, 14:29 - Gianluca: I'm reading on internet
29/06/20, 14:30 - Kelley: Are you using a computer
29/06/20, 14:32 - Gianluca: Yes
29/06/20, 14:33 - Kelley: bbaecrypto.co
29/06/20, 14:34 - Kelley: This is the official platform issued by NGN
29/06/20, 14:34 - Kelley: Maybe I can help you
29/06/20, 14:36 - Gianluca: I see
29/06/20, 14:37 - Kelley: You open it, I teach you how to check the NGN market
29/06/20, 14:38 - Gianluca: I'm in front of
29/06/20, 14:40 - Kelley: If you can't find it, give me a screenshot and I will help you
29/06/20, 14:41 - Gianluca: I'm seeing BTCUSD
29/06/20, 14:42 - Kelley: Yes, the price of BTC is high now
29/06/20, 14:42 - Kelley: Screenshot to me
29/06/20, 14:42 - Kelley: Take a picture for me, did you find NGNUSDT?
29/06/20, 14:44 - Gianluca: wait
29/06/20, 14:45 - Kelley: what
29/06/20, 14:45 - Gianluca: IMG-20200629-WA0005.jpg (file allegato)
29/06/20, 14:47 - Kelley: bbaecrypto.co/bbdetail/NGNUSDT
29/06/20, 14:47 - Kelley: Open it and you will see
29/06/20, 14:48 - Gianluca: what's Ngn?
29/06/20, 14:50 - Kelley: NGN is the next generation communication network jointly issued by Bank of China and the world's four largest banks
29/06/20, 14:50 - Kelley: Do you see the market trend of NGN now?
29/06/20, 14:51 - Gianluca: I'm watching..what's does it mean NGN?
29/06/20, 14:53 - Gianluca: I mean, the full name?
29/06/20, 14:53 - Kelley: This is an integral part of the 5G network, so it will rise rapidly with the development of 5G
29/06/20, 14:53 - Kelley: Next Generation Network
29/06/20, 14:54 - Gianluca: Ok
29/06/20, 14:54 - Kelley: You can use Wikipedia
29/06/20, 14:54 - Gianluca: Listen, I should go to buy food at supermarket right now..thanks for the explainations...I'll chat again with you later
29/06/20, 14:58 - Kelley: Ok classmate ahaha
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