- Messaggi: 167
- Ringraziamenti ricevuti 29
4 Anni 8 Mesi fa #36838
da m4x
"Ora come ora, nessuno è certo come e se il virus possa essere sconfitto. In ogni caso, l’Ebola è stata a lungo considerata una delle più orribili e spaventose malattie contratte dall’essere umano. Ci sono cinque tipi conosciuti, insieme a un parente stretto, il virus Marburg. Vivono naturalmente in qualche sconosciuta specie di ospite nelle foreste e savane dell’Africa equatoriale. L’ospite naturale del virus, l’animale infetto, potrebbe appartenere a una specie di pipistrello, oppure potrebbe essere un piccolo insetto o un acaro. Potrebbe anche essere qualcosa d’altro. Nessuno lo sa. Per ragioni sconosciute, a un certo punto il virus ha infettato un uomo, e quest’uomo ha infettato a sua volta altri uomini: così ha avuto inizio l’epidemia".
Tratto dal libro "The Hot Zone" di Richard Preston...
Tratto dal libro "The Hot Zone" di Richard Preston...
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4 Anni 8 Mesi fa - 4 Anni 8 Mesi fa #36842
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Una delle "cure" contro l'ebola (lo Zmapp) proviene direttamente dal DARPA (Pentagono)...
"The antibody work came out of research projects funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) more than a decade ago".
"USAMRU-K is located in Nairobi, Kenya on the campus of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and is one of five U.S. DoD overseas research laboratories. The unit was provisionally established in 1969 at the invitation of the Kenya Government and was permanently established in 1973".
L'ebola in Africa è comparso nel 1976. Sono il solo a sentire un gran puzzo di merda ?
"The antibody work came out of research projects funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) more than a decade ago".
"USAMRU-K is located in Nairobi, Kenya on the campus of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and is one of five U.S. DoD overseas research laboratories. The unit was provisionally established in 1969 at the invitation of the Kenya Government and was permanently established in 1973".
L'ebola in Africa è comparso nel 1976. Sono il solo a sentire un gran puzzo di merda ?
Ultima Modifica 4 Anni 8 Mesi fa da m4x.
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4 Anni 8 Mesi fa - 4 Anni 5 Mesi fa #36868
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Sempre dal libro di Richard Preston The Hot Zone: "Marburg è un agente patogeno africano che deve il nome tedesco alla consuetudine di nominare i virus secondo la località in cui sono stati isolati per la prima volta. [...]. Il virus vi fece la sua comparsa nel 1967, e precisamente nello stabilimento della Behring Works, una ditta produttrice di vaccini ricavati dalle cellule renali di cercopitechi grigioverdi africani".
Oggi la Behringworke (ex IG Farben) fa parte della Sanofi: il colosso farmaceutico nato nel 1973 come succursale della compagnia petrolifera Total (presente in Uganda dal 1955).
Oggi la Behringworke (ex IG Farben) fa parte della Sanofi: il colosso farmaceutico nato nel 1973 come succursale della compagnia petrolifera Total (presente in Uganda dal 1955).
Ultima Modifica 4 Anni 5 Mesi fa da m4x.
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4 Anni 8 Mesi fa #36870
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"The inventory was ordered by the institute's commander, Colonel John P. Skvorak, after officials found that the database of specimens was incomplete. In a memorandum to employees last week, Skvorak said there was a high probability that some germs and toxins in storage were not in the database. [...] A spokesman for the institute, Caree Vander Linden, said an earlier review had located all the germ samples listed in the database. But she said some "historical samples" in institute freezers were not in the database, and the new inventory was intended to identify them so they could be recorded and preserved, or destroyed if they no longer had scientific value".
Sarebbe interessante sapere quali sono questi "historical samples" :wink:
"The inventory was ordered by the institute's commander, Colonel John P. Skvorak, after officials found that the database of specimens was incomplete. In a memorandum to employees last week, Skvorak said there was a high probability that some germs and toxins in storage were not in the database. [...] A spokesman for the institute, Caree Vander Linden, said an earlier review had located all the germ samples listed in the database. But she said some "historical samples" in institute freezers were not in the database, and the new inventory was intended to identify them so they could be recorded and preserved, or destroyed if they no longer had scientific value".
Sarebbe interessante sapere quali sono questi "historical samples" :wink:
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4 Anni 8 Mesi fa - 4 Anni 5 Mesi fa #36876
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"Tekmira caught the world's attention and its stock rose dramatically during the 2013 West African Ebola virus epidemic due to its drug candidate for Ebola fever, TKM-Ebola.[11] Tekmira was developing it under a $140 million US Department of Defense contract.[13]"
"First Posted: January 22, 2014"
I primi segnali d'allarme ( www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/history/2014-2016-outbreak/index.html ) vengono lanciati il 24 di quello stesso mese, due giorni dopo la pubblicazione di questo studio.
"Researchers from The New England Journal of Medicine say they believe Emile was the first person to contract the disease in the current outbreak almost a year ago. It's not clear exactly how the boy, who lived in a rainforest village in southern Guinea, got infected".
Ovviamente nessuno sa come il "bambino di 2 anni" (esiste capro espiatorio migliore?) abbia contratto l'infezione.
"Tekmira caught the world's attention and its stock rose dramatically during the 2013 West African Ebola virus epidemic due to its drug candidate for Ebola fever, TKM-Ebola.[11] Tekmira was developing it under a $140 million US Department of Defense contract.[13]"
"First Posted: January 22, 2014"
I primi segnali d'allarme ( www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/history/2014-2016-outbreak/index.html ) vengono lanciati il 24 di quello stesso mese, due giorni dopo la pubblicazione di questo studio.
"Researchers from The New England Journal of Medicine say they believe Emile was the first person to contract the disease in the current outbreak almost a year ago. It's not clear exactly how the boy, who lived in a rainforest village in southern Guinea, got infected".
Ovviamente nessuno sa come il "bambino di 2 anni" (esiste capro espiatorio migliore?) abbia contratto l'infezione.
Ultima Modifica 4 Anni 5 Mesi fa da m4x.
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4 Anni 8 Mesi fa - 4 Anni 5 Mesi fa #37664
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Anche l'unico vaccino esistente contro il ceppo Zaire dell'Ebola è nato grazie all'interessamento del Pentagono...
"In 2010, PHAC licensed the intellectual property on the vaccine to a small U.S. company called Bioprotection Systems, which was a subsidiary of NewLink Genetics; Newlink had funding from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency to develop vaccines,[12][30][31] for US $205,000 and "low single-digit percentage" royalties.[32]"
"The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is an agency within the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and is the official Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosives)".
Un modo come un altro per confermare che Ebola è un'arma ?
"In 2010, PHAC licensed the intellectual property on the vaccine to a small U.S. company called Bioprotection Systems, which was a subsidiary of NewLink Genetics; Newlink had funding from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency to develop vaccines,[12][30][31] for US $205,000 and "low single-digit percentage" royalties.[32]"
"The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is an agency within the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and is the official Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosives)".
Un modo come un altro per confermare che Ebola è un'arma ?
Ultima Modifica 4 Anni 5 Mesi fa da m4x.
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