Ciphers cracked revealing plans for 9/11 and Amerithrax attacks

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1 Anno 6 Mesi fa - 1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #49780 da Eldorado
I am a renown cryptographer that has broken ciphers from Langley's KRYPTOS puzzle at the CIA's Headquarters in Virginia revealing never before seen evidence of the planning behind the 9/11 attacks.

The ciphers from within the matrixes of text were divided into 4 parts, with an additional 5th layer made out of their encryption systems. In one corner was the information that began my search for more evidence, reading END WTC. Found in two letters from the CIA's SOVA Group that were against the statue being commissioned was a set of instructions and a set of two confined blocks of text. The "disapproval" letters held more details about the plans that were made for the Twin Towers specifically and were broken down with keys found in the Seito Sakakibara Letters, that also detailed their new plan for laundering their counterfeit "Superdollars" made in Japan.

When the ciphers of this puzzle were broken, it was telling and patterned with details about their covert work from 1990 until the events of 9/11/2001. The puzzle was actually commissioned in order to culminate in the release of new information from the Agency as a message to two agents from their previous operations called the "Zodiac". They were set up as a call to the agents in the field from past events and tasked them with replying. The reply came in the form of the Scorpion Letters 9 months later.

Their ciphers in the past from the 60s up to the 90s had laid the groundworking in text for the Operation Bayonet, Operation Wrath of God, and Operation Spring of Youth. During this time they also planned to launder their drug money through the Vatican, using the American Archbishop as their Minister of Finance, while conducting the Il Mostro Di Firenze Murders in Italy. Each time they deposited their monies along a timeline matching the murders, they escalated the situation with more threats. They used the Zodiac Letters as a way to communicate to their internal associates about their plans. Not all the Zodiac Letters had murders found to be related to them in San Francisco, but they kept being sent to media for decades after.

When the ciphers from these operations were used up, the CIA concocted a new series of them at their new headquarters, in order to extend their operations into the next decade, until the plans for 9/11 were hatched with the later Amerithrax Letters hosting their own plans to continue their affairs afterwards.

KRYPTOS at Langley
Amerithrax Letters

As a dedicated timeline of their operations, that were geared at creating a splinter cell or shadow government, they were able to mask their affairs behind the murders of innocent victims of a host of serial killings and targeted assassinations, that were known by different names, but all featured a letter or card of some sort and police sketches that matched them perfectly throughout the different times when they were made.

I discovered the identities of two suspects that were named in the ciphers of the Zodiac, Kryptos, Scorpion, Seito Sakakibara, and the Amerithrax Letters, with an addendum hit list found that included the creation of murders found on Obama's "Disposition Matrix", as well as later gruesome attacks that were specifically made into mockumentaries to induce fear in the minds of the public, and skew the public's awareness of these cases. I will go through all the ciphers one by one as they relate to the affairs that transpired.

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
The Monster Of Florence

Ultima Modifica 1 Anno 6 Mesi fa da Eldorado.

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1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #49781 da Eldorado
The ciphertext in the corner of the puzzle's lower section showed their movements were planned out to bring an end to the WTC
END WTC - Kryptos Ciphertext Read

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1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #49783 da Eldorado
The ciphers of the puzzle were merely a historical distraction, while the final layer was used for communications with their agents in the field

SOVA Disapproval Letters

With that in mind you can find also other internal communications found in their declassified archives on the puzzle itself.  One letter held descriptors of the type of ciphers to look for and the other held the body of the text that was is one of the most cleverly contrived ciphers I ever worked on and took a few minutes to be able to see how they had made the letters to conceal a secondary message.

SOVA Disapproval Letter 1 - Vertical Breaks and Boxing Techniques

But after that you find that their letters were used to deliver a message about the Marsh McLennan accountants in the WTC Towers, and you find that they were planning to eliminate them.  It mentions the ciphers in the other letters to be contained with a vertically read section and then shows the positioning of the block of text to use.

SOVA Disapproval Letter 2 - Layout of sections for ciphertext

It is an amazing find that can be seen showing the image of the WTC Towers and reading TWO TOWERS at the base of them

SOVA Disapproval Letter 2 - Close Up TWO TOWERS text blocks

Nothing too obvious just yet, just moving through a list of their inner design in a instructed in the letters

SOVA Disapproval Letter 2 - REDACTED Signatures forming skyline of NYC

But you can see they were masking a lot of information in this one set of letters while decorating the other messages to the public like a trivial game that would never end.  You can see inside the Disapproval Letter 2 from the SOVA Group that the signatures of the people that signed them were used as part of the illusion.  When "circulating" the signatures or rotating them 90 degrees it forms the image of the NYC skyline showing the Towers and Building 7, as well as the second one holding the image of the new tower built.

SOVA Disapproval Letter 2 - Signature Hint - Seito Sakakibara Keys

Building on that part alone you can see the words "Hidden" made from the marker streaks as the name of the puzzle in Greek also means "Hidden", and at the bottom of the signature section was a small smiling face and winking eye that showed the image of a Japanese Kanji character.  The block of text with the Two Towers mentioned is used as a working cipher, meaning that there is a columnar shift applied to alter the block to reveal the planning stages in detail.


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1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #49784 da Eldorado
The CIA are clever about their work and have a number of older types of cryptograms and computerized codes that were created to specifically serve their needs throughout their operations.  In the case of Kryptos, they had wanted the entire world to see it, while sadistically hiding a plan for the operations, playing tricks on the CIAs intelligence using the puzzle to hide their agendas.  These stabs are found in the ciphers of the Zodiac throughout, and when Kryptos was made it was intended to be a continuation of their previous ciphers and operations, so they used telltale signature encryption techniques for that purpose, and used these slurs as a way to keep the patterning uniform.

As they passed along these ciphers through media publications and through their internal communication's channels they were able to plan out these operations, and to do so would murder more innocents just to create the fear and shroud over the affair, usually leading the media to publish these ciphers for "public awarness and assistance" from professionals.

Seito Sakikibara Ciphers - Kryptos Comparisons

These are the compilations of the many letters that were sent in Japan following the murder of two school children, and they were made to be the catalyst for the use of these ciphers in order to pass along another phase of their operations.  The ciphers detailed different types of Katakana, Kanji, and Hirayana, which they claimed that a 14 yo had written and called him "Kid A".  In order to keep any further investigations going by the public, they moved the trial to a closed court and implicated him without any examination of the text of the ciphers other than the basic translation of the words in the text of the ciphers, except they ignored the fact he mixed the characters according to a translation that was fluent in English, but compiled with numerous types of linguistic fill-ins from the different forms they use in school's in Japan at that age.

Showing a specific detail of the breaks in the first SOVA Letter you find the patterning that is used to break down the Sakakibara letter that is styled in Greek looking letters, but written in English.  Remember that Kryptos is Greek for Hidden.

SOVA Disapproval Letter Break Comparison - Seito Sakakibara

In this case ciphers of the Kryptos Disapproval Letter showed a consistent pattern that when segregated from the body of text it formed the outline of the body of the person in mention.  Adding the boot shaped cipher from one of the letters you piece together their affair. Here we see there is a group inside the CIA that is moving to expose parts of their operations of the past in order to implicate one of their old team, slandering him calling him the SHOOL KILLER.  In the Zodiac Letters were ciphers that also were toned in the same manner, and were used to try to jest with the other side of their team which they moved to Vermont to conduct an Eastern theater of operations, with Bernie Sanders as their director.  He was working in the US before these killings began, and was working through their operations with them but tried to break from their group and form his own political cabal, using politicians to shield his identity in the Church Hearings.

Seito Sakakibara Cipher Break - Image Confirmation

The ciphertext in this letter was appearing to be in English, but used Greek-looking characters.  The letter "E" specifically would be used to act as an arrow pointing at the previous letter, and using that as a ciphertext, was then placed into a ROT or Caesar Shift cipher using the settings of 4 and 6.  The phrase in the letter specifically says "I AM NOT FORGETTING" as a warning to Sanders for his collusion with investigators that secured him his freedom while implicating the CIA in the Hearings.  This infighting is also key to identifying two teams at work in this case.  The US and Israel.

When the examinations of the phrases were made it showed the use of a stacking technique to have letters also hold as the numbers 4 and 6.  When placed through the ROT/Caesar Shift it revealed the name BXRNIE and BEARN.  This is also found in the Zodiac Z408 Letter.


The creation of these ciphers and the patterns within them are the keys to proving that they are communications between agency directors of the CIA and FBI, and are made to be used to conduct operations by their agents in hidden locations.  The puzzle is even laid out with stone maps at Langley that point to the locations of these two agents in New Mexico and Vermont.....Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Bernie Sanders, each with their own Intelligence apparatus helping to conduct their affairs.


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1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #49786 da Eldorado
Taking notice that they were using a design that held characteristics of an English origin, and using the same tones as the Zodiac Letters, the media in Japan began to call them the "Japanese Zodiac Letters".  Seito Sakakibara literally means "Alcohol Devil Rose Saint Fight".  They were trying to create a form of umbrella operation that had a series of branches, with one aimed at creating a state of mind using enhancement technologies in the media, in order to create a psychological state of mind.  The author of the letters had chosen the name, and used an old mystical symbol, a swastika, to inspire more fear among the locals harnessing the superstition of their occult ritual killings.

Seito Sakakibara Body of Text - Block Configuration Examination

Taking the section of the blocked out body of text from the Greek Letter, you find that there is a massive amount of information within it when laid across as shown in the diagram, leaving no doubt as to the configurations that were used inside of their matrices to form Old English Box Ciphers, with a telltale rotation that was seen in a number of ciphers before them.  The blocking out of the center of the text and the read of the text forms the phrases OL E and PIVO BO meaning Old English and Pivot Box describing their methods of breaking from here, as well as taking on the words BIO.  In this blocking section it mentions finding a NY Case File as a joke.  The case related to the creation of the Heriberto Seda trial, and the copycat Zodiac Ciphers that were made as a distraction of investigations.  The attempt to close the case made the real suspects respond with a joke embedded in his real ciphers.  During which time he sent one to NYC to prove his sincerity, accusing IATSE Unions of Entertainment Industry Officials of hiding the cult affairs, and jesting with them as well to continue their partnership or they would expose their part causing troubles.

The information that is contained in the next segment is used to create a system to instruct them in manufacturing the technologies that work in conjunction with their research into Slow Kill Technologies, meant to disrupt the RDNA process from replicating and healing damaged cells, while internal medical conditions are manifest from the influences of the radiological broadcasting of light frequencies.  Specifically the phrases WELL USE USA LYDDO TEEVEES TO KILL PHEPL stands out in the next step and a variance of WELL SEE YOU IN KYMO GAME added in a secondary read is also achieved with the available text, using partial words formed.  You are tasked with literally building the cipher as instructed.  The message finished with a phrase TRY TO FENN.  Forest Fenn is Aquino's alias in New Mexico, and it appears that they are trying to direct him to assume that personality as an escape plan towards the end of this segment of operations.

Seito Sakakibara Letter Block - Step 2

For example using the words
in a 4 letter block, and then rotating the box into a 6 letter long configuration, will eventually turn the phrase into LYDO TO RHF GV AILM OF RDNA using the methods described.  The key word LYDO is sounded in Japanese, meaning Light.  The author mentioned this as something to not forget about.

Seito Sakakibara Letter - Additional Romanji Translations

The ciphers of the other letters in this set worked to continue their operations and described the methods for mapping out their attacks in Japan, as well as the showing of information related to their ciphers of Kryptos specifically designing their letters in a mix of characters to take on a translation, forming a broken phrase that equates to BREAK LIKE WE TAUGHT YOU WE SPY BY THE WEB with the page title appearing like the phrase KRYPTOS. 

Seito Sakakibara Mapping Technique - Kryptos Comparison

Laying the formation of a mapping system, and encrypting their directions and instructions in multiple parts of this cipher, connecting with Kryptos's text comes next to show the final parts of their operation on 9/11 described using the final Seito Sakakibara cipher in the group.  It acts as a key to shifting the columns in the text block of the Disapproval Letter, and fully describes the events.

Seito Sakakibara Letter - Kryptos Shift Key

Looking closer, the image at the bottom would naturally appear like a looking glass or magnifying glass, instructing you to see the finite details of the key.  It clearly uses lettering that appears to take on the descriptors of two keys, one 9/11 and the other VT.  It is addressed to the agent Bernie Sanders.

Seito Sakakibara Key - Kryptos Comparison

Comparison of these keys and the blocks showed that there were two modifications to be made.  In the first key it describes a vertical drop and in the second it shows the segregation of blocks to be used to form a tertiary message.  In the first adjustments, with one shifting a set of columns, and the other acting as a point to lock in the reads of the new blocks, the message delivered is about their manipulation of the economic value of the yen, using Superdollars schemes and laundering through Fuji Bank.  Shifting according to the key shows a shift downward of 4 lines, and then 3 lines delivering a series of new phrases. First it describes "MO PIECES" as in more money, and more powerful military pieces.  The next shift will lock in the information about the Towers and the employees inside.


Below is the inclusion of the blocking technique that reads off using the key counts in the Seito Sakakibara Letter to deliver the message to Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders, preparing them for the oncoming war.  You can see the counts matching to select the amount of lines and the blocked phrases read IN THE FEET - SANDERS - ON TV AU (gold), in another humerous spinoff added. The other blocking section is directed at Leahy - LEAHY WEEPING TO TWO TOWERS and CLUE TO WOPR describing their war game being planned.

Seito Sakakibara Letter Blocks - Second Configuration

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1 Anno 6 Mesi fa - 1 Anno 6 Mesi fa #49787 da Eldorado
Take notice of my limited edition Arnette Hot Shots with the combination of the Kryptos ciphertext, and symbols from the Zodiac and Scorpion Letters.

Take notice that they are made specifically with these ciphers combined together to form the illusion I mention. A lot of people know about my research in the industry as I was once known to have tried to usurp this plan before it happened, reporting the activity of these groups operating within the Entertainment Industry in NYC as a person that worked numerous shows and events before becoming the Editor of WARNING! Magazine's Tempe Branch. I also have hosted the American Cryptogram Association's Annual Convention in 2017 in the hometown of the Zodiac Killer himself.

To have a vested interest in this affair is one thing, to be born and raised in Princeton, NJ is another, as after the events of 9/11 the Amerithrax Letters were mailed using a drop box across the street from Princeton University. The reason is that they wanted to send a message to their political science directors that were preparing a document that would become the standard for all War Crimes Tribunals, and would exempt exclusions that the US had set aside for themselves. Bush had just come to Trenton and made the comment "Politics in New Jersey are like a toothless tiger".

The continued operations that followed also threatened a certain individual in the letters, as they were beginning to target specific people that held the skills to break their ciphers or held information about their affairs. The threats were later compounded with the creation of a "Kill List" that was found on the Washington Street Bridge suspects that were detained fleeing the attacks. I discuss all of this in the next segment of this affair, and show without a doubt how the use of the science of cryptography and the art of concealment was integrated years before in the production of this plan, having used the World Trade Center as a tool for laundering money after their Vatican/Bank Of London scandals began to be exposed, threatening their operations.

They are fully revealed in the links I posted, and are in the spotlight, as I sent these reports to a number of judicial groups and countries that were attacked previously and occupied by this affair, in order to inform them about the evidence I located. Their goals were always to manipulate their economies and to sap their natural resources. Their agendas were geared at finishing a long running plan that was begun by Zionists under direction of Rockefeller and Morgan. Their plan began in the 1880s with the original Business Plot called the Peralta Land Grab in Arizona, and is another research project of mine that exposes the operations of the first clandestine groups in the US through the study of their ciphers, showing the formation of a splinter cell of Masons, and the beginning of the Knights of the Golden Circle'

These ciphers were very old, but the plans they laid are still in effect used to conduct the ENTIRE strategy of the US Govt.

I am the first person to bring this evidence to light and expose their motives over a decades long operation.

Arnette Hot Shots - Crytpic Text in Design
Ultima Modifica 1 Anno 6 Mesi fa da Eldorado.

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