Re: Christopher Bollyn alla CNN

Inviato da  javaseth il 2/2/2007 11:12:32
un giorno in procura per Bollyn.

Ecco il suo resoconto dell'udienza del 31-01-2007 del processo che sta subendo per essere stato arrestato e taserizzato senza alcun motivo valido, a parte quello che scrive, of course, che a qualcuno, per esempio, che so', Chertoff, potrebbe dare un po' fastidio.

Da qui

Local police working on the public dime need to be accountable and recognizable to the public. Quasi-military squads of heavily-armed men out of uniform should not be acceptable on the streets of the United States.

The police need to operate transparently within defined borders and restrictions. The public has the right to know, and to be informed, of armed police activities in their neighborhoods. The police are not above the law.

"You are an idealist," my supporters say. "You need to think of self-preservation."

My lawyer says: "The truth doesn't matter."

No American or any other freedom-loving person should ever submit to illegal arrest by un-identified men. The only people that I know who were forced to submit to such arrests wound up being loaded onto boxcars in the Baltic States in 1941 and sent to Siberia, never to be heard from again. And then there are the dozen or so Estonians who survived the 1994 Estonia sinking, who were kidnapped from their hospital beds in Sweden – and never seen again.

I cannot accept such practices – nor should anyone else.

Forza Bollyn, che c'è bisogno di persone idealiste, ma con le palle, come te..


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