Re: Falsi video ?

Inviato da  Seatnineb il 8/2/2007 15:39:00

SirPaint ha scritto:

Do you know the exact time of WTC2 (South Tower) collapse, by any chance?

9.59 Palisade time
10.06 many photo
10.10 Italian TV time.

Which do you prefer?

Thanks SirPaint

Ciao Sir Paint:

Per quanto mi collasso della seconda Torre comincio' alle 9:59

ma ce' un' anomalia che si sbuca riguardando l'ultimo colpo di telefono fra Lyz e Jeremy Glick :

La battaglia di riprendere il controllo di Flight 93 fra i dirotattori e i passeggeri comincio' alle 9:58.....questa battaglia coinvolgesse Jeremy Glick........

Il problema per la storia ufficiale e' che Lyz ebbe gia' informato Jeremy che la seconda torre era gia' collassato!

leggi l'analisi del' mio collega ,John Doe II di Team8Plus:


"Are they going to blow this plane up?" Jeremy asked.
She didn't know, Lyz said, but, yes it was true that two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center. By now, it was almost ten o'clock (! my comment). At nine fifty-eight, the south tower collapsed in a telescoping of smoke and metal and glass and crumbled rescue.
Were they going to crash his plane into the World Trade Center? Jeremy wanted to know.
"No" Lyz said (...) "They knocked it down"."
(p. 207)

Moreover Longman interviewed Lyz Glick and most likely listened to the tape (as already mentioned). But the doubts concerning Longman’s accuracy are refuted by the simple fact that Lyz Glick repeated herself this detail of the conversation with her husband several times:

Ms. GLICK: He began to ask me, 'Are they crashing planes into the World Trade Center?' I guess one of the other passengers had spoken to his mother, I believe it might have been, and that message might have been relayed. So he asked that. And then I am watching on the big screen television in front of me the World Trade Centers collapsing.
(ABC, 09/18/01)
(NBC, 08/20/02:
(Observer, 02.12.01:,1373,610355,00.html)

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