Re: volo 93

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 24/5/2006 1:47:32
Articolo di di due anni fa:

Regarding the article you posted: Pilot Who Shot Down Flt 93 With Sidewinders Identified?

There is no way to verify that Rick Gibney of The Happy Hooligans really shot Flt 93, but, after reading the congressional Records from Sep 19 2001, one may conclude that one of The Happy Hooligans pilots did shoot down Flt 93: I found it amazing that the safty and security of the United States on 911 was at the hands of amature pilots who fly just one weekend per month as a hobby. This make it very easy for the NWO to use them, if they wish, for any unethical purposes as these innocent pilots are 'out of the loop' and will never comprehend the total picture.

Nell'articolo anche diversi interessanti link sugli Happy Hooligans.

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