Re: Scampoli di democrazia dall'Iraq, Novembre 2006

Inviato da  _gaia_ il 25/9/2007 13:40:06
Inserisco questa notizia sia qui che nel thread sugli OGM perché si parla della politica agricola del 'nuovo Iraq' voluta dagli USA, tutta a suon di semi Monsanto.

Why Iraqi Farmers Might Prefer Death to Paul Bremer's Order 81

Heard about the thousands of farmer suicides in India? Well, Iraqi farmers may be next thanks to the work of U.S. diplomat Paul Bremer and his Monsanto friends.

Indian farmers are choosing death after finding themselves caught in a loop of crop failure and debt rooted in genetically modified and patented agriculture — the same farming model that Bremer introduced to Iraq during his tenure as administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority, the American body that ruled the "new Iraq" in its chaotic early days.


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