Re: Terrorismo: Usa, Bush firma legge su programma segreto Cia

Inviato da  Orwell84 il 18/10/2006 20:12:11
Mi confermate che era tutto già stato scritto nel famoso RAPPORTO DEL PROGETTO PER UN NUOVO SECOLO AMERICANO, del settembre del 2000?

Pagg. 54-57 [66-69, nel pdf], se non sbaglio...

Cito solo due righe:

As Colin Gray
and John Sheldon have written, “Space
control is not an avoidable issue. It is not an
optional extra.” For U.S. armed forces to
continue to assert military preeminence,
control of space – defined by Space
Command as “the ability to assure access to
space, freedom of operations within the
space medium, and an ability to deny others
the use of space” – must be an essential
element of our military strategy. If America
cannot maintain that control, its ability to
conduct global military operations will be
severely complicated, far more costly, and
potentially fatally compromised.

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