Re: Esplosioni al WTC

Inviato da  Polidoro il 27/9/2006 13:12:40
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We (3 physicists and a geologist) have conducted Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), also X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Electron Microprobe analyses on residue samples from the scene.

• We identify predominately iron, with very little chromium, along with uncommon chemical elements in abundance such as fluorine and manganese.
Aluminum and sulfur are present (expected from thermate reactions).

• 1,3 Diphenylpropane was observed in dust, and interesting bit of possibly corroborative evidence.

• The results, coupled with visual evidence at the scene such as the flowing yellow-hot liquid metal, provide compelling evidence that thermite reaction compounds were used, meaning thermite was deliberately placed in both WTC Towers and WTC 7.

pag. 94

Le lancie termiche nessuno le ha nominate. Si usano per i furti o per tagliare qualsiasi materiale (cemento, acciaio, ceramica, no panini, temp. = 5538°C)

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