Re: Crollo Torri Gemelle: perché si parla di effetto pancake?

Inviato da  Seatnineb il 7/8/2006 21:44:23
Ciao ancora Henry62:

Non sono un discepolo degli articoli publicati dall' ' NIST e i FEMA.

Anche se lo' sapevo gia' che entrambe di quell' "istituzioni" affermavano che i core delle torri costituivano delle 47 colonne di accaio verticali.

Ma ci sono ancora dei fonti...propio come questo carpentiere che installo' le pareti degli uffici nell WTC ...che dichiara che i core consistevano di cemento armato:

Those were the high dollar floors, the executive floors, the choicest commercial office real estate in pre September 11th Manhattan. The top floors had an awesome view, that was truly breathtaking - I had a chance to experience it myself - I've worked installing furniture and office partitions(in the WTC) on some of those floors - for those of you who are never going to get the chance to see it - you missed an unbelivable panorama.

The old WTC was built out of structural steel.

But, it wasn't a regular steel building.

They used trusses rather than solid beams for the joists that support the floor. The floors were not supported by colums..instead, the trusses carried the weight to the steel exterior, AND THE REINFORCED CONCRETE CORE This allowed large open floors where you could cram in the maximum number of desks, without big colums getting in the way. ...

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