Re: Crollo Torri Gemelle: perché si parla di effetto pancake?

Inviato da  Seatnineb il 7/8/2006 13:03:08
Ciao Henry62 e grazie per la tua risposta.

Stavo tentando di sottolineare che alcuni fonti che esistevano PRIMA di 9/11 hanno descritto la composizione del core in termini di cemento armato

ID# 18.2 (reply to #18.1) - 10 Mar 1998
1) Prefabricated steel elements erected with the help of over-structure cranes, at the same time casting the concrete core and slabs floor-by-floor.

09-11-2001, 08:18 PM
I've been doing some checking, the building had a central loadbearing steel and concrete core ...

Oddly enough, many years ago i carried out a
structural analysis of the world trade centre the world trade centre, like most skyscrapers, was designed around a central concrete core (which houses lifts, stairs, plumbing, heating,
ventilation and lighting services)

E mi pare che alcuni foto della distruzione danno retta a quei fonti.......

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