Re: Scie chimiche e controllo del mondo 2

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 10/5/2006 14:42:00
Nessuno ha notato questo particolare, ad est di Londra?

Da quelle parti c'è il Southend Airport:

E, sempre da quelle parti, pare che gli strani fenomeni aerei non siano una novità:

East London, UK A Stack Of Spheres Arranged In A Pyramid Shape

The evening was bright, clear with, thin clouds, vapor trails. My children were playing in the garden. They called mum and dad to see what they thought was a balloon. As we watched, another appeared (spherical) and remained stationary.

Soon, several others showed up (moving at slow speed), about seven, two of those were of a different design. They looked like a stack of spheres arranged in a pyramid shape. They seemed to tumble (smoothly) around and some spheres were flying in formation.

I noticed that air traffic was quiet, which is unusual for here.

(Ambasciator non porta pena... )

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